@@XXYVZ[[l\]4_`a`cccd8dndddV4WWVR@AOBX4ANYNORSOUEASWESUPDOW.PASHALBOOBOT*RUMWINGAMMONPIRAROBAG*DUFTOROFFMATYOH30LUMRUGKEYINVDUBSAIFISANCSHAPLACAVSIGDOOCHEPARHAMNAIBOA*SHISHECRAWAT*SALLAG*TIDPITSHO*BEAMAPPACBONHOLSANBOXSNECRA*SACPIEKEEFLO*JETSTA*UPSPAT*HILYOHAWA*BUNPIENOTFLYDESCROSNATREAUTGO*CLI*WAL*RUN*ENT*PAC*FOLSAYSAIGET*TAK*CAT*PIC*REM*WEA*PULFLYDRO*REL*THR*LEA*GIVDRI*EATINVSAILOO*EXA*WATREALIS.SCOSAVKIL*ATTLIG.OPE*SHAUNLHEL..SWIQUIBUI*MAKWAKSETCASDIGBURFINJUMEMPWEIBRE*SMA.WAIFEECLO*SHUFlat in londonalcovesecret passageway musty attic@*I'M outside an open window on the ledge of a very tall buildingsandy beach on a tropical isle maze of cavesmeadow grass shack*I'm in the oceanpit maze of caves maze of cavesH*I'm at the foot of a cave ridden hill, a pathway leads on up to the top tool shed long hallway large cavernl*I'm on top of a hill. Below is Pirates Island. Across the sea way off in the distance I see Treasure Island maze of caves**I'm aboard Pirate ship anchored off shore&*I'm on the beach at *Treasure* IslandFspooky old graveyard filled with piles of empty and broken rum bottleslarge barren field)shallow lagoon. to the north is the oceansacked and deserted monastary*Welcome to Never Never LandThere's a strange soundThe book is in bad condtion but I can make out the title: "Treasure Island". There's a word written in blood in the flyleaf: "YOHO" and a message: "Long John Silver left 2 treasures on Treasure Island"Nothing happens1There's something there all right. Maybe I shouldThat's not very smart$I may need to say a MAGIC word here!5Everything spins around and suddenly I'm elsewhere... Torch is lit@I was wrong, I guess its not a mongoose cause the snakes bit it! I'm snake bit)Parrot attacks snakes and drives them offPirate won't let me Its lockedIts openThere are a set of plans in itNot while I'm carrying it Crocs stop me Sorry I can'tWrong game you silly goose!I don't have it+Pirate grabs rum and scuttles off chortling...I think its me, Hee Hee.Its nailed to the floor!Yoho ho and a ...No, something is missing!It was a tight squeeze!Something won't fitSince nothing is happeningI slipped and fell...Something falls outvThey're plans to build the Jolly Roger (a Pirate ship!) You'll need: hammer, nails, lumber, anchor, sails, and a keel.I've no containerIt soaks into the groundToo dry, fish vanish.LPirate awakens and says "Aye matey we be casting off soon" He then VANISHES!What a waste... I've no crew3Pirate says: "Aye matey we be needing a map first".XAfter a day at sea we set anchor off of a sandy beach. All Ashore who's going Ashore...Try: "WEIGH ANCHOR"There's a map in itLIts a map to Treasure Island. At the bottom it says: "30 paces then dig!"* Welcome to Adventure number 2: "pirate adventure" by Alexis & Scott Adams, dedicated: Ted Heeren & Paul Sharland Remember you can always ask for "help". Its emptyI've no plans!open it? go there?I found something!I didn't find anythingI don't see it hereOK I walked off 30 paces.;CONGRATULATIONS !!! But your Adventure is not over yet... Reading expands the mindThe Parrot crys:"Check the bag matey""Check the chest matey"from the other side!Open the book!There's multiple exits here!Crocs eat fish and leave7I'm underwater, I guess I don't swim well. Blub Blub..."Pieces of eight"Its stuck in the sandOKGPirate says: "Aye me Buckeroo, we be waiting for the tide to come in!"The tide is outThe tide is coming in About 20 pounds. Try: "SET SAIL""Tides be a changing matey";Note here says: "I be liking parrots, they be smart matey!"2Pirate follows me ashore as if expecting somethingClimb stairs...Got anything to eat matey?&Parrot attacks crocs but is beaten off"Bird flys off looking very unhappyParrot ate a cracker.YummyI hear nothing nowEPirate says: "First Yee be getting that ACCURSED thing off me ship!" read it?Ask for Adventure number 3: "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE" at your favorite computer dealer. If they DON'T carry "ADVENTURE" have them call: 1-305-862-6917 TODAY! "ADVENTURE" also supports lower case! I'm not feeling destructive!"Check the book, matey!"&All right, POOF the GAME is destroyed!I see nothing specialI don't know where to look! Its stuckFlight of stairs Open windowBooks in a bookcaseLarge blood soaked book/BOO/#Bookcase with secret passage beyondPirate's duffel bag/BAG//Sign says: "Bring *TREASURES* here, say: SCORE"Empty bottle/BOT/Unlit torch/TOR/Lit torch/TOR/ Matches/MAT/ Small ship's keel and mastWicked looking pirateTreasure chest/CHE/ Mongoose/MON/Rusty anchor/ANC/ Grass shack"Mean and hungry looking crocodiles Locked doorOpen door with hall beyondPile of sails/SAI/ Fish/FIS/*DUBLEONS*/DUB/Deadly mamba snakes Parrot/PAR/Bottle of rum/BOT/Rug/RUG/Ring of keys/KEY/Open treasure chest/CHE/Set of plans/PLA/RugClaw hammer/HAM/ Nails/NAI/ Pile of precut lumber/LUM/! Tool shed Locked doorOpen door with pit beyond Pirate ship!Rock wall with narrow crack in itNarrow crack in the rock Salt waterSleeping pirateBottle of salt water/BOT/*CRum bottle smashed into pieces. Sign "Opposite of LIGHT is Unlight"Safety sneakers/SNE/,Map/MAP/- Shovel/SHO/.Mouldy old bones/BON// Sand/SAN/0Bottles of rum/BOT/1*RARE STAMPS*/STA/2LagoonThe tide is outThe tide is coming inWater wings/WIN/6Flotsam and jetsam MonastaryWooden box/BOX/9 Dead squirrelKSign in the sand says: "Welcome to Pirates Island, watch out for the tide!"Sack of crackers/CRA/< Note/NOT/=Small advertising flyer/FLY/>Burnt out torch/TOR/?     yQQQQQQR6RIR[RkRyRRRRRRRSS7SKSVSgS{SSSSSSSSST$T.T:TTT`TTTTTTU+U5UBUYUdUyUUUUUUUUUVTVkVvVVVVV     2%)*  '')'''')) !"/. // 2'' 1'822223 ' 4474 *)'' 8 *945'#**?*4**6 '';@# C7?PPddddddd(Pdd2#22 dddPPd!&&&&&&&&&&&%%% %% :G *#00!---)-**2---..... *335 3D'',-) "%%%0B * : & J5K K *LN nhh9:<HD"+>hhuoHHhD9 |}~hHFHH46 4 ),,67BBAG6?4:FF466s 77#$666FF(*(4566 46:>:ijo=HCwLH}K<Frr Fr7 55. F5.-8////56r95,44==7!FFF%&''rrFFhF33055rF FFrqrFr5Uw<FFr5,//? 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DID: PSBL: _ `fa hn L)n_  B@R nL)n M@  (@NHNOhN  S0RL.n/N  RSL.n  p P6@0/Pй  PRS :     _ PLm"PL!nP"ߩP on c` tn  n  n Хf n L)n HUH? O K Not carrying it! Don't see it here! Already have it Beyond my power to do that md8di` :N"  o a8 o LoNO    @ NRȱNS " "N) o Lo o @@" eLo" on `Fell & broke my neck! I'm DEAD! Dangerous to move in the dark! I also need a direction Can't go that way LApLpLpLpLpLpLpLqL@qLaqLjqLtqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLrL7rL"rLpLpLqLpL q  VpN9ȥO9 `;<;9ȱ;:ii`;hh?h@>H=(      ?@l?h=h>      =>l=NO(`RSLhqPQLhq8hh(`HHRHHNHHP֥NOhh(`HHRHHP 98N;;O< ; h89(`h  Vp9;:  `_ .^0LuLvLvLYvLPvLvLuLtwLwL{LzLwLxLuLCvLIv HH  x   || [w { w  eL9v Xy S x_ SL/v `   Lfv N  8HN    hLfv  `  N  Lv      L w `L Lu .ڽ L w轨uLL5)ɀ`8 @i   [wLu L [w`H) hH  h`    [w =N >   [w  `N [w  L  ` h hh H HHH H (lhhhhh(l < :4@< <@    :  *@LNP   SD@"E@#H@I@ N`8@  p 6@NP"P*6@ Ή6@PN`6@ Ί` :NN&   0 Fy ` )y    >y ` ԠӠԠ LIGHT RAN OUT!  uz   >  zqjpX`PTLOqrKs:INqVrEs%NSEWUDV` yNa_` 0@ x z  p  z LXy_ zpa* .@ x z  p  z LXyaR` \z LXy Use 1 or 2 words only! What shall I do now?Don't know how to "" something. Don't know what "" is.  p NR  ` N ⎉     :  N` NO YN-Y8 Y     qP 0RNOX X  ` {  >YN` < <4@ {  xL{ ĠŠ Want to restore previously saved game? COMMODORE Presents: ***** ADVENTURE ***** (C) 1981 by Scott Adams,INC Adventure number: Version: 1/  |  4@   o|  2@  `H(lZcЯZcZcПZcлZcЏZcЫZcZcZcZce9}(`bhbhbhbbHb( . . . . . .bblbhbhb . . . . . .bblb(`LdLd8:}hh(`HHHHHH֥hh(`HHHH .8  h8(`h . bLrd ;}. bȱLrdHeeh(` . bȱ .` . bLdLfLfLhLhLeLiL@eLf@ekeeeeee<}eefAeEeqeeeeeee f` .&/o0` . .I````` .=}0 .0` .0 .0`` . . .*/ . .Ф`` . . LuLjLjLQrLTrLKrL]rLHrLNrLWrLfLfLuLuLfLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLpL pL,pLuLuLoLoLpLpLpLpLoLoLoLpL#pL&pLpL pL)pLpLpLoL/pL2pL5pL8pL;pL>pLfNot a thin