@YYsZ[[q\]o^_akbcdGdddeWeeWXXWR@jAEAK! }aANYNORSOUEASWESUPDOWNETFISAWAMIRAXE*AXWATBOT*CONHOLLAMSPIWINDOOMUD*MEDBEEROCGASFLIEGGOIL*SLIKEYHELBUNINVLEDTHRCROBRIBEADRARUGRUBHONFRUOXRINCHI*BITBRASIGBLAWEB*WRISWALAV*DAMHALTRE*STUFIRSHO*BANADVGLAAROGAMBOOCHALAKYOHAUTGO*ENT*RUN*WAL*CLIJUMATCHO*CUTGET*TAK*PIC*CATLIG*.*IGN*BURDRO*REL*SPI*LEA*GIV*POUTHR*TOSQUISWIRUBLOO*EXA*DESSTOSCOINVSAVWAKUNLREAATT*SLA*KILDRI*EAT.FIN*LOCHELSAY*SPE*CALSCR*YEL*HOL.FILCRODAMMAK*BUIWAV*TIC*KIC*KIS*TOU*FEE*FUC*HIT*POKOPE dismal swamptop of a tall cypress treedamp hollow stump in the swamproot chamber under the stump"semi-dark hole by the root chamberlong down sloping hall large cavernlarge 8 sided roomroyal anteroom*I'm on the shore of a lakeforest maze of pits maze of pits maze of pits maze of pits maze of pits maze of pits*I'm at the bottom of a very deep chasm. High above me is a pair of ledges. One has a bricked up window across its face the other faces a Throne-roomF*I'm on a narrow ledge by a chasm. Across the chasm is the Throne-room royal chamberI*I'm on a narrow ledge by a Throne-room Across the chasm is another ledge throne room sunny meadowf*I think I'm in real trouble now. There's a fellow here with a pitchfork and pointed tail. ...Oh Hell! hidden grovequick-sand bog/Memory chip of a COMPUTER! I took a wrong turn!>top of an oak. To the East I see a meadow, beyond that a lake.%*I'm at the edge of a BOTTOMLESS holeZ*I'm on a ledge just below the rim of the BOTTOMLESS hole. I don't think I want to go down!long tunnel. I hear buzzing ahead*I'm in an endless corridorDlarge misty room with strange unreadable letters over all the exits.Nothing happensChop 'er down!BOY that really hit the spot!.Dragon smells something. Awakens & attacks me! Lock shattersI can't its locked@TIMBER. Something fell from the tree top & vanished in the swampTIMBER! Lamp is off+Lamp burns with a cold flameless blue glow.I'm bit by a spider$ My chigger bites are now INFECTED! #My bites have rotted my whole body!%Bear eats the honey and falls asleep. Bees sting me First I need an empty container.'The bees all suffocated and disappeared%Something I'm holding vibrates and...nothing to light it withGas bladder blew up in my hands!-gas needs to be contained before it will burn%Gas dissipates. (I think you blew it)That won't igniteHow?Bear won't let me0"Don't waste honey, get mad instead! Dam lava!?"'Bees madden bear, bear then attacks me!It soaks into the ground*In 2 words tell me at what...like: AT TREEOH NO... Bear dodges... CRASH! Its heavy!Somethings too heavy. I fall.To stop game say QUIT4Mirror hits floor and shatters into a MILLION pieces/Mirror lands softly on rug, lights up and says:You lost *ALL* treasures.$I'm not carrying ax, take inventory!%It doesn't seem to bother him at all!The mud dried up and fell off./Bear is so startled that he FELL off the ledge!:" DRAGON STING " and fades. I don't get it, I hope you do.LThe bees attack the dragon which gets so annoyed it gets up and flys away...Lamp is now full & lit I'm bitten by chiggers. ;There's something there all right! Maybe I should go there?Maybe if I threw something?...Too dry, the fish died.8A glowing Genie appears, drops somehting, then vanishes._A glowing Genie appears, says "Boy you're selfish", takes something and then makes "ME" vanish!No, its too hot. Not here. Try the swamp Sizzle...bTry --> "LOOK, JUMP, SWIM, CLIMB, FIND, TAKE, SCORE, DROP" and any other verbs you can think of...)There are only 3 ways to wake the Dragon!"Remember you can always say "HELP"Read the sign in the meadow!$You may need to say magic words hereA voice BOOOOMS out:please leave it aloneSorry, I can only throw the ax.Medicine is good for bites.I don't know where it is Welcome to Adventure number: 1 "ADVENTURELAND". In this Adventure you're to find *TREASURES* & store them away. To see how well you're doing say: "SCORE" Blow it up!#Fish have escaped back to the lake.OKHuh? I don't think so!!You might try examining things...What?OK, I threw it. Check with your favorite computer dealer for the next Adventure program: PIRATE ADVENTURE. If they don't carry "ADVENTURE" have them call: 1-305-862-6917 today! The ax vibrated!I see nothing specialGlowing *FIRESTONE* Dark hole*Pot of RUBIES*/RUB/Spider web with writing on it+-HOLLOW- stump and remains of a felled tree Cypress treeWaterEvil smelling mud/MUD/*GOLDEN FISH*/FIS/Lit brass lamp/LAM/ Old fashioned brass lamp/LAM/ *Rusty axe (Magic word "BUNYON" on it)/AXE/ Water in bottle/BOT/ Empty bottle/BOT/ Ring of skeleton keys/KEY/.Sign "Leave *TREASURES* here, then say: SCORE" Locked doorOpen door with a hallway beyond Swamp gas*GOLDEN NET*/NET/ Chigger bitesInfected chigger bitesPatches of "OILY" slime/OIL/*ROYAL HONEY*/HON/Large african beesVery thin black bearBees in a bottle/BOT/Large sleeping dragonFlint & steel/FLI/*Thick PERSIAN RUG*/RUG/@Sign: "magic word's AWAY! Look la..." (Rest of sign is missing!)Distended gas bladder/BLA/Bricked up window8Sign here says "In many cases mud is good. In others..."Stream of lava#Bricked up window with a hole in itLoose fire bricks/BRI/$*GOLD CROWN*/CRO/%*MAGIC MIRROR* Sleeping bearEmpty wine bladder/BLA/(Broken glass/GLA/) Chiggers/CHI/*Slightly woozy bear*DRAGON EGGS* (very rare)/EGG/,Lava stream with brick dam*JEWELED FRUIT*/FRU/.*Small statue of a BLUE OX*/OX//*DIAMOND RING*/RIN/0*DIAMOND BRACELET*/BRA/13Strange scratchings on rock says: "ALADIN was here"2Sign says "LIMBO. Find right exit and live again!"(Smoking hole. pieces of dragon and gore.$Sign says "No swimming allowed here"Arrow pointing downDead fish/FIS/7*FIRESTONE* (cold now)/FIR/8Sign says "Paul's place"Trees-Sign here says "Opposite of LIGHT is UNLIGHT"Empty lamp/LAM/<Muddy worthless old rug/RUG/= Large outdoor Advertisement/ADV/>Hole    !  1QEQOQeQQQQQQQR"RNRdRwRRRRRR SS0SNSbSuSSSSSS&TBTTTTTTTTTU!U4UCUWUwUUUUUU+V^VVVVVVW W:WKWiWWWW    !    8"0: - * : &7E%E89  !// 3E-$''***00 33<0---/////////%%  30//0 /#0* -&''K ddd2d2ddddddddd69***!6 "5# + ##66 39 9 6% &'"6& 99&' *  9<9831 *A ;;>u 7%(J90=JH>?>-=L;>-77<<<:56:r/F5//;;5Fv5::5 UH>Fiiijmmmil78 v=FoitUFvx/zGUI4{}L;<4B=5:=s>:==:H=|vv@mFL @8g@HL@k7@;:E<ii+k<<:B;;@L@ lhI  @ RlE6m nmjzl z>(dhhBDDl DVDRfzB   D X0V>1ETDbH410HGX1T1&!l1| ffBB<I<\<|<D <0Bxm[d<l``X4D ll|  F$@4<hdd@ TT]JL(( loPTpPPT@d<BBBBBB C!C.CACPClCsCCCCCCCWDDDDEEvEEEEF'FFFF        !             GGG%GCGrGGGGGGH(HMHqHHHHHI-IAINI|IIIIII$J=JhJJJJJJ+KEKjKKKKLgL~LLLL MDMMMMMM:NdNNNNNNO0OIOOOPP/PQPWPgP QQL(jLfLfL(jLgf*gJgpggg;hpgZhehhhhhiiii j8gSg}ggjhggggggh&h/h7hFhYL} e`HIT-YADVENTURE over! Got too much. TAKE INVENTORY RH<@  :   (@NP NQ  P* K@VR    i RNHO  i  i NOR d    F@ q  hF@h` i LhStored treasures Scale 0-100 thats YOU WON! _`L@hL_hH@I@ :N e` ` h   h  N`  HIJKH&IP&Q&J&K 8NJNOKONOHI8NJOK åHNIOJPKQ  ``LjLlgfecL_ a n`TUTU    :@ _ .m lc  me `   @ Ni @ Nh_iץghiG_Džg_ic nh,*Ljha &m     cef V@WVNȱVO       NQNP  q        ]ȱNHȱNOhN  NȱN :  HN " %eeh  eLjLk m     FG @  VNȱVO   Ne040f0*82RS $@  NHȱNOhN  Ll84RS {NHȱNOhN  NȱN   LTlgLj_Lj I don't understand you Can't do that... YET! DID: PSBL: _ `fa hn L)n_  B@R nL)n M@  (@NHNOhN  S0RL.n/N  RSL.n  p P6@0/Pй  PRS :     _ PLm"PL!nP"ߩP on c` tn  n  n Хf n L)n HUH? O K Not carrying it! Don't see it here! Already have it Beyond my power to do that md8di` :N"  o a8 o LoNO    @ NRȱNS " "N) o Lo o @@" eLo" on `Fell & broke my neck! I'm DEAD! Dangerous to move in the dark! I also need a direction Can't go that way LApLpLpLpLpLpLpLqL@qLaqLjqLtqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLrL7rL"rLpLpLqLpL q  VpN9ȥO9 `;<;9ȱ;:ii`;hh?h@>H=(      ?@l?h=h>      =>l=NO(`RSLhqPQLhq8hh(`HHRHHNHHP֥NOhh(`HHRHHP 98N;;O< ; h89(`h  Vp9;:  `_ .^0LuLvLvLYvLPvLvLuLtwLwL{LzLwLxLuLCvLIv HH  x   || [w { w  eL9v Xy S x_ SL/v `   Lfv N  8HN    hLfv  `  N  Lv      L w `L Lu .ڽ L w轨uLL5)ɀ`8 @i   [wLu L [w`H) hH  h`    [w =N >   [w  `N [w  L  ` h hh H HHH H (lhhhhh(l < :4@< <@    :  *@LNP   SD@"E@#H@I@ N`8@  p 6@NP"P*6@ Ή6@PN`6@ Ί` :NN&   0 Fy ` )y    >y ` ԠӠԠ LIGHT RAN OUT!  uz   >  zqjpX`PTLOqrKs:INqVrEs%NSEWUDV` yNa_` 0@ x z  p  z LXy_ zpa* .@ x z  p  z LXyaR` \z LXy Use 1 or 2 words only! What shall I do now?Don't know how to "" something. Don't know what "" is.  p NR  ` N ⎉     :  N` NO YN-Y8 Y     qP 0RNOX X  ` {  >YN` < <4@ {  xL{ ĠŠ Want to restore previously saved game? COMMODORE Presents: ***** ADVENTURE ***** (C) 1981 by Scott Adams,INC Adventure number: Version: 1/  |  4@   o|  2@  `H(lZcЯZcZcПZcлZcЏZcЫZcZcZcZce9}(`bhbhbhbbHb( . . . . . .bblbhbhb . . . . . .bblb(`LdLd8:}hh(`HHHHHH֥hh(`HHHH .8  h8(`h . bLrd ;}. bȱLrdHeeh(` . bȱ .` . bLdLfLfLhLhLeLiL@eLf@ekeeeeee<}eefAeEeqeeeeeee f` .&/o0` . .I````` .=}0 .0` .0 .0`` . . .*/ . .Ф`` . . LuLjLjLQrLTrLKrL]rLHrLNrLWrLfLfLuLuLfLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLuLpL pL,pLuLuLoLoLpLpLpLpLoLoLoLpL#pL&pLpL pL)pLpLpLoL/pL2pL5pL8pL;pL>pLfNot a thin