TransTextW :PRG formatted GEOS file V1.03J$B$3$ $J3! @@ 3!J%B$[$J$J$3TransText V1.0BSC TechUnit UUUUUUUUUUUConvert PRG, SEQ, and USR text files into geoWrite format.A Z#  Ѕ :4L   Z  xy`L&n|  | q- q-o L,    kSELECT RESET 26LOAD 6SAVE ` #UFileSize: FUh \f#s jt#s؅r& H &dFilename:` lSelect Conversion Form p t H` * #     %  S?` L`؆  V¥ `D  0 PLEASE ENTER FILENAME؆ Š  N  ` `q V¥ `` ` (D   FILENAME EXISTSREPLACE IT?   8¢؆ Y`KAB. 8zx {y Ȅ  i  S V¥ ` ` x L `D(INSUFFICIENT DISK SPACE V¥ ` ` D(Insert disk into disk drive؎E F G H  ؆ t©~ z  w`  0  ~  `v &~ R\ 4  ~ L[\`~xx8  ~ L  L~`vw`{wzv```   ~ 8~`` z¥vxwyx[\~```AWrite Image V1.1geoWrite V1.1** K. 9*Convert Sequential files to geoWrite format!  1 `Form: ASCII o  $ 0 T 0 w 1`  t` ©r`s  © ` f LT `ȱr ;  ` ` ` Lf ȱr  L errsis` )   `ersi + ȱY U Q $5;EAA=L- , + L i  $ L ȩ i  L + , `L L ; =H h0:A G hh`h0:L hh` `  .  .  .  . A8)m m `  .  .  . m m )m m п`     ` x `  `Write Image x `؆    ҭע؆ Š ` ȱ  xvywP 8zx{yz  V 0  ` ` V¥ ` (D   The file had to be truncated.Not enought room to fit in memory(  9 ? 9 ~` ' x v ' x ' 9 -(Source File (geoWrite File FConvert and Save Q the current file \ as a geoWrite g Write Image V1.1 r file. ` 9 ? 9 ? 9 ??  ?? TransText 9 8 ' 9 D ' H+ TransText was completely Hwritten within the GEOS environment Husing geoCOPE. geoCOPE is an HAssembler/Editor package for machine Hlanguage programmers. See the HgeoWrite file for more information. ngeoCOPE is available nfor only $19.95 from: nBill Sharp Computing nP.O. Box 7533 nWaco, TX 76714ӆ Z`L&`