HULME VIEWX  5PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0aAA`!!!!!AAq9Hulme View V1.0J. Buckley View CBM SEQ files from the GEOS DeskTop. ? y < Q[``MbRFileRead sequential+O  EVgxQuit9QInformation9I+(hGet fileRGScrollRSStyle%AiSf* PlainP BoldB   ­) LV   00000 .*. `*0. ɀ`LY  (%@This is not a CBM SEQtype file.A[i `۰8`` ` * ` @* ` :FFu- Hulme View - JCopyright (C) 1988, Storm Systems` F` :::: 0 !/&*  e   @. eF8  H 65887 .`ɀ yLs `  yLs eL L  LeLeLe.L Hh 0 EL //T- Click mouse to continue -.0  /hh yLs 9/ `L HH   HhP hh  L hhH8i  9 $hHh E=.H , 6h.0   \ 6*`  0 LHh`//T- Click mouse to continue -9/  V­`L8  ( @@Delete this file?L, { V­!  V©  V©   V` ¢  0$$ d c  d c  V­hh` Dž VL L   VL ` $);c MOn disk:  @Please insert new disk.  @File not found.ٞٳٳ?03  k I ©L ? @ @   ` `|yvÌf̓f̓f̓mf̓gfy L  L1 P ( < L6F587#3}4`/  .P` Hulme View is an application which will allow you to view a CBM sequential text file from the GEOS deskTop. This program was commissioned by Mark Hulme. I thank him for his suggestions and novel form of 'incentive'.Copyright 1988 by Send comments and suggestions to:  Joe Buckley  464 Beale St.  W. Quincy, Ma. 02169'~.  ,X@ * *_q@  a^ aS P-@ P !P ( @T ` +{  VԀ ]* +* /WTJ J_@ UTU%Q`8 *( ϙ T %? pA0Q$I>GI0$I~k=Ϙό0I$|X9pI Jy0$'I$? $I%HD I$D IRQ" $X ( I3DH I$?p$q 1p` |>O>DGLOSZ\afkpuz E >3{E s