WrongIsWrite7X *PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0d㒊l 0la΂Converter V7.0Red Storm Convert Write file formats amongst each other.J K ?II m- Wrong is Write - f- GEOWORLD Edition - OCopyright (C) 1988, Storm Systems t VL,©' ą ;©' t­   w  Q`; lFileSource+OMRYU Quit9QInformation9IUK'=HLL 2=H"ZL 2=H0hL P2=H>hL(8'HLvLXh'xConvert1.1 Format2.0 Format2.1 FormatFont/StyleTrue ASCIIPET ASCIIL, ̅ V©م V© V© V© V©  V­ V© V` Dž VL  @@Target file format:  L©L  VL  @0@8r @ HL©L a VL  @w @@r   L©L©L L L L "L "L "L Í"L č"L ō"L Ѝ"L э"L ҍ"L Ӎ"L ԍ"L Ս"L I  ) 2  4 v ` 9 Pdd Pdd n[geoWrite record:658?73Dž4ȅ[  H о` E D `R R S } S } } ` = !> `  = ! > `11  20L" 11  21L" 20  11L" 20  21L" 21  11L" 21  20L" 21  21L" `vx` M ­&%%&%& ) P   & %   Vhh`` ` t©~  w`    @There is insufficient room onthe target drive. M t© ! z=  > !` 9 Rbf g[Copying photo scraps M t­ U@0 w ` t­ ¥8  0 wP w@ 9 Pdd ` ­/ ȹ // `0`p0`0`0`0`0`0`6` 6cc0c`cc6 x8 0`    @ This file requires GEOS kernalversion 1.3 or greater.0 Converter V7.0 This file was created with Wrong is Write. Written by Joe Buckley.? '$ $$$$4$$$4$$$$$$<Write Image V1.1Red StormgeoWrite V1.1 ¢  0ss;SINM M V­ hh`{ VLLM VLM` e `+`ȩ`LJK V ` #LL/L`L`` ` p s)M p s);mMOn disk: APlease insert new disk. AFile not found.  % 5ANAChoose disk for target file:?00 ?11?1111? VKL© KL 000`A:  B:  ٞٳٳ?03 uI ©LWrite Image V2.0JK ͉ `KJ ͉ `  L x L ? L # L  L )LL'} ` `|yvÌf̓f̓f̓mf̓gfy L  L 4 L6F587#3}4` Convert '1.1 format' has two options: [2.0] Result is a geoWrite 2.0 format file spanning 1.2 to 7.2 inches. [2.1] Result is a geoWrite 2.1 format file spanning .2 to 8.2 inches. Convert '2.0 format' has two options: [1.1] Result is a geoWrite 1.1 format file with header/footer as new page(s). [2.1] Result is a geoWrite 2.1 format file spanning .2 to 8.2 inches. Convert '2.1 format' has three options: [1.1] Same as Convert 2.0 (1.1). [2.0] Result is a geoWrite 2.0 format file spanning 1.2 to 7.2 inches. [2.1] Result is a geoWrite 2.1 format file spanning .2 to 8.2 inches. Font/Style Changes all text of the source file to the font and/or style of a sample Text Scrap you create on the source disk. Destination: True/PET ASCII The result is a CBM sequential file of the ASCII text from the source geoWrite file. Source: True/PET ASCII The result is a geoWrite file of the ASCII text from the source CBM sequential file. I wish to extend my thanks to George H. Wells, Ted Roche, Peter Hughes, Paul Hughes and Roger Ledbetter for their help and suggestions. Send comments and suggestions to:  Joe Buckley 464 Beale St. W. Quincy, Ma. 021690 P ``)a{8 0  `IQXR ;©8iH h 88i` S?͇I © eiri 5HЅ †5hІ  ?% KP )م V­ L:͉  `   .@@Please place disk withinto DRIVE A.into DRIVE B.   `eȅLV z  @General disk error.Error: $ EJJJJi0:0i E)i0:0i ELE   @There is insufficient space onthis disk for this operation.L L#L&L)  J f!L# 00 M t­ ©00 Lw B <e  P !Pe  Pe  P` L ! !! 00 00 00000000  ` 00 00 0  `0  ` '!&!L4!4!@!4!@!4!4!e  `    e L~ v!u!L!S"!S"!!"0 )ȱ ߑe`0B <eP "PePeP`e ȱ) ߑee`0B <eP "PePeP`e ȱ) ee`0B <eP @#PePeP`e /ȱ) ee`   ` t­8  0 Lw ,e $LV­/ /E) $$L<$t$$ $$AText Scrap not found.11  11 " I  ) 2 % E% v L6%20  20 " I  ) 2 % E% $ v L6%21  21 " I  ) 2 % E% $ v L6% = E%!> E%` 9 Pdd Pdd v[Changing fonts.` 9 Pdd` 00 M t©00 w ` t­ %  8  e0 Lw­) %%L%`&`&0  E e  e _e  Pe  P)  e    ~Pe  P`0  E e  e _e  Pe  P)  e    ~Pe  P`) &&L'$'@'\'x''11  I 0$#L'20  I 0$#L'21  I 0$#L'11  I 0$#L'20  I 0$#L'21  I 0$#L' ( ( M t­ ' 0000 w 0)P w  I r./:ʊ/BA/ J !)..` ­ ..Pݩ` ¥HH. ȭ. hh L,`, , I` )­BA:` 9 Pdd Pdd s[Extracting ASCII.` 9 Pdd`$D#CD C ` ZmCCDPmCCDPmCCDP  ) r.mCCDP` r. r. r. r. `)a{8 `A[i`` `ɓ `) **L*$*6**$*6*11 " I LH*20 " I LH*21 " I LH* *<<7; * - s+ - + .+>D C # +L", ` ` t©~ Lw© 9 Pdd Pdd v[Inserting ASCII.` 9 Pdd`HD C h mCCD`= ;`7;<`2< #Ls+A[i `۰8``) ++L++++++ +0 0DC`@0 +0 0DC`@0 ,0 0DC`@0 ` ­ I ȹq, I LText Scrap This file was created with Wrong is Write. Written by Joe Buckley.? '$ $$$$4$$$4$$$$$$<ASCII Text Red StormASCII TEXT > M ­/ /@/?:` /K:/:)H@?/ /@/?::h" T+=  L-`:/::/>" T+=  L-`" ):/:_  IB A ¥ @?@/?/BA/ @B?A I::`