WriteViewX PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0UD_)%)/DU9UEUA% QuickView V1.0BSC TechUnit Dump Write files to screen. Patched to work with geoWrite 2.X. ­  ! Z `="==xvz@yw{ v zώ` : L,© 9 ?` SELECT PAUSE EXIT`2This is another Public Domain 2#program developed by the 7TechUnit of Bill Sharp Computing 2_Source code disk is available in 2ngeoCOPE format for only $5.00 from: 2Bill Sharp Computing 2P.O. Box 7533 2Waco, TX 76714` / e   #$ . `v$0 ?CG Hevvwiwh` K  ɩ`ȱvz zȸPiPiPiP   ` `  Ɂ E ` Zi ɯ @8L  ` ``Y EY0Y) EY)@ EY) EY) E` ? 8i @ $` ? i $` #I#Dž * `H0LHH Dž ª Dž?  ª % hhh`$Dž?  *cddc * ` S?$     K ` `      V¥ ` 5 L >  L`/ /   ɠ  i9 `)  M; I `]  V¥ ` ` j D(Insert disk into driveL»  Write ImageDrive: A<ff~`f<  V`D * ? This Version cannotbe edited.   ¢ ) 0ТF  t­ Š w­ ` w­  `@  w­ z{z uxvywxʽ@Y`Z2x\1x\2 `