DOWNGRADE 5.0W   PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0B0BBB0xR ~<`!#`!a!* * Downgrade V5.0Joe BuckleyAlter geoWrite file formats from 2.0&2.1 source formats to 1.1,2.0,2.1&2.1 wide margin. 9 ?F  Q`>W d \ fileconvert+:u @ z @ quitinformation+P @ @ 2.0 format2.1 formatL,   V©  V­ 8  V©` `  ) 3 =  L ! I )s 3 = G L( L0 L . S )w 3 = G  L Convert '2.0 format' has two options:[1.1] Result is a geoWrite 1.1 format file with header/footer as a new page.[2.1] Result is a geoWrite 2.1 format file with extended margins. Convert '2.1 format' has two options:[1.1] Same restrictions as 'Convert 2.0'[2.0] Result is a geoWrite 2.0 format file with 7.2 inch right margin.[2.1] Result is a geoWrite 2.1 format file with 8.0 inch right margin. This program was released into thepublic domain on December 19,1987. Send comments and suggestions to: Red Storm (Quantum Link) or Joe Buckley 464 Beale St. W. Quincy, Ma. 02169 0  V­L= = 8 ;   ­ ¥)  > 8 ;   ­ ¥)   ? w© )­1L 20L 21Z\  9 Urq`  q@ @ KL©!L 1[ V­L =  ;>  ;L  q@ @@Target file format.KL© L©!L¢ ¥ą  V­ hh` V LL 9 Urq Urq 56ȅ78 {fworking. . . t© ; z 9 Urq`  );+M  )MOn disk: Write Image V2.0 "APlease insert new disk.  L      L L Lt Lt Lt  Lt  )  `   © Lt i i `,L    ii ~`    8 ȱ )  ߑ  i i    ) ȑ ȑ ȑ    i i `    8 ȱ )    i i ץ   i i ` i i `   ߑL' ߑ`O3 LGLٞٳٳ?03```````l6cc0c`cc60p0000`0000 ` `|yvÌf̓f̓f̓mf̓gfy