ƒAPPENDING       X.PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0¿ÿÿÿ€ÿˆ‹ÿÁŠAŠÿñŠ€ŠŽŠ€Š¿‘Š€ŠŸŠ€Š¿‘Ž€‚¿‘ƒ€€€€ÿñÿÿÿƒÿÿWrite Image V2.0geoWrite V2.0ðT-Grab Data V2 Explains how merge two or more GeoWrite files together.to deskTopInsert new disk into disk P ¿Ä}ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿŽŽÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ0(0000000 ‰€  8@ 0(0000000‰Do you wish to merge geoWrite files?‰€ ‰by Ronald B. Romine (GeoRon) ______________________________________________‰€ 0(0000000 ‰While looking through the Comment section of the ‰@GEOS Arena‰ on Q-Link,‰I ran across this question, (or should I say these questions.)‰€ ‰"DOES ANYONE WISH THAT GEOWRITE COULD BE USED TO MERGE SEPARATE FILES TOGETHER? I DON'T MEAN THE MERGING THAT GEOMERGE ACCOMPLISHES; I'M SPEAKING OF BEING ABLE TO APPEND ONE GEOWRITE FILE ONTO THE END OF ANOTHER. EVEN ‰@SKYWRITER‰tm‰ CAN DO IT, AND ‰@SKYWRITER‰tm‰ DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE WELL WITH GEOWRITE! WILL GEOWRITE EVER HAVE THIS CAPABILITY? CAN GEOWRITE HANDLE THIS CONSIDERING THE ‰@VLIR ‰FORMAT USED?^ And the answer is . . . YES ! I noticed right away, that geoWrite didn't have a ‰@MERGE‰ ‰@command‰. ‰ To prevent confusion you can refer to it as an ‰@APPEND command‰. Actually, I didn't notice until I decided that it would be a whole lot easier to combine several of my geoWrite files into only one file with several pages. I wasn't going to let the lack of this command stop me from merging ‰@several‰ of my documents into only ‰@one‰ file ! ‰@And it didn't!‰ "How'd you do that^, you're asking. It's quite simple really. If you have ‰@GeoWrite ‰2.0 or higher, you can use the ‰@SELECT PAGE‰ command, combined with the ‰@TEXT MANAGER‰ or the ‰@TEXT SCRAP.‰ We'll start with the simpler method first. While this method is easier to use, it has one noticable limitation. It can append only one page at a time, to the main file. To begin appending we will need only three base files: ‰@geoWrite‰, the main document (which we will be appending to), and a one page document (that will provide the information) we will appended to the main document. For clarity we'll call the main document ‰@Letter A‰, and the one page document ‰@Letter B‰. The process are listed is listed in steps on the next page. 0(0000000‰ 0(0000000‰@ 8BMerging a single page with another:‰ 0(0000000______________________________________________ First, make sure you have plenty of room on the disk. There will have to be room for ‰@Letter A‰, ‰@Letter B‰, the ‰@TEXT SCRAP‰, PLUS room for the expandition of ‰@Letter A‰, which after merging will become as long as ‰@Letter A‰ and ‰@Letter B‰ combined. 1‰@) ‰load ‰@Letter B‰, into geoWrite. 2‰@) ‰Go to the ‰@OPTIONS Box,‰ and choose the ‰@Select Page ‰option, (`V). 3‰@) ‰With the page still selected, go to the ‰@EDIT Box‰, and click on ‰@COPY‰, (or `C). This will copy the ‰@entire ‰page to the ‰@text buffer. ‰4‰@) ‰You should now ~click' the button of your mouse to turn off the ‰@Page Select ‰option. The pointer can be any where on the page. 5‰@)‰ Close ‰@Letter B‰, and load‰@ Letter A‰. (This is where the fun begins.) 6‰@) ‰Look through ‰@Letter A‰, and position the ‰@text cursur ‰where you wish ‰@Letter B‰, to begin. It can be at the end, in the middle, or at the very beginning of ‰@Letter‰ ‰@A‰! 7‰@) ‰Now, go to the ‰@EDIT Box‰, and ~click' on ‰@PASTE. ‰If you were careful you should see the text we copied from ‰@Letter B‰, insert itself into ‰@Letter A‰, starting at the ‰@text cursur‰'s position! 0(0000000Wasn't that simple? ______________________________________________ 0(0000000Now we come to the second method of ‰@appending‰. It's practially the same as the first, but we also use the ‰@TEXT Manager‰. "Why do I need the ‰@TEXT Manager‰, when the first method works great without it,^ some of you are asking. Because, like I said earlier, "It can append only one page of a file at a time to the main file.^ After all, the last thing I want to do is spend half the night jumping back and forth, merging five, or even just three pages of a file in to a another document. We'll use the same approach as before with the documents being ‰@Letter A‰, and ‰@Letter B‰. However, this time ‰@Letter B‰ will have several pages to be merged with ‰@Letter A‰, instead of just a single page. 0(0000000( If your ready, just turn to the next page. ) 0(0000000 0(00000000‰ 0A 0(0000000‰@Merging several pages with another file: Part‰ 1 0(00000000______________________________________________ First, make sure you have plenty of room on the disk. There will have to be room for ‰@Letter A‰, ‰@Letter B‰, the ‰@Text Album‰ created with the ‰@Text Manager‰, plus room for the expandition of ‰@Letter A‰, which after merging, can become as long as ‰@Letter A‰ and ‰@Letter B‰, combined. 1‰@) ‰load ‰@Letter B‰ into geoWrite. Then goto the page to be copied to ‰@Letter A‰. 2‰@) ‰Go to the ‰@OPTIONS Box,‰ and choose the ‰@Select Page ‰option, (`V). 3‰@) ‰With the page still selected, go to the ‰@EDIT Box‰, and click on ‰@COPY‰, (or `C). This will copy the ‰@entire ‰page to the ‰@text buffer. ‰4‰@) ‰You should now ~click' the button of your mouse to turn off the ‰@Page Select ‰option. The pointer can be any where on the page 5‰@) ‰Go to the ‰@GEOS Box‰, and bring down the ‰@Desk Accessorys ‰menu. Select the ‰@TEXT Manager. ‰6‰@) ‰When the ‰@TEXT Manager‰ appears, select the ‰@Create Album ‰option, give the album whatever name you desire‰@. ‰The new ‰@Album‰ should then appear. 7‰@) ‰~Click' the ‰@Album‰'s ‰@EDIT Box. ‰You will be given three options: ‰@COPY‰,‰@ CUT‰, and ‰@PASTE‰.‰@ ‰8‰@) ‰Select the ‰@PASTE‰ option. This will place the ‰@text buffer ‰(which contains the page we copied) into the ‰@Album‰. 9‰@)‰ Exit the ‰@Album. 0(0000000‰10‰@) ‰Repeat steps one through nine for each page. (You can ignore the first part of step 1.) So far, we have only stored the the pages of ‰@Letter B‰. On the next page we will list the steps for ‰@merging‰ them to ‰@Letter B‰. 0(0000000‰ 0(0000000‰@Merging several pages with another file: Part‰ 2‰@ ________________________________________ ‰ 0(00000001‰@)‰ Close ‰@Letter B ‰if still open, and load‰@ Letter A‰. 2‰@)‰ Go to the ‰@GEOS Box‰, and bring down the ‰@desk accessorys ‰menu. Select the ‰@TEXT Manager. ‰3‰@) ‰When the ‰@TEXT Manager‰ appears, select the ‰@Open Album ‰option, select the name of the ‰@Album‰ you created‰@. ‰The new ‰@Album‰ should then appear. 4‰@)‰ Use the ~dog-earred' corner to flip to the first page of text you wish to copy to ‰@Letter A‰. 5‰@) ‰~Click' the ‰@Album‰'s ‰@EDIT Box. ‰6‰@) ‰Select the ‰@COPY‰ option. This will place the ‰@TEXT page‰ being viewed, which is a page we copied from ‰@Letter B‰ into the into the ‰@TEXT buffer‰. 7‰@)‰ Exit the ‰@Album. ‰You will now be back in ‰@Letter A‰. 8‰@) ‰Look through ‰@Letter A‰, and position the ‰@text cursur ‰where you wish the page of ‰@Letter B‰, to begin. 9‰@) ‰Now, go to the ‰@EDIT Box‰, and ~click' on ‰@PASTE. ‰If you've been careful you should see the text that we copied from ‰@Letter B‰, insert itself into ‰@Letter A‰, starting at the ‰@text cursur‰'s position! 0(000000010‰@)‰ Repeat steps one through ten for each page you wish 0(0000000 to copy from the ‰@TEXT Album‰. ______________________________________________ The the text in the ‰@Text Album‰ can be saved for appending to other letters, or the ‰@Album‰ itself can be dropped into the ~‰@waste basket‰' after you have finished appending your documents. I hoped you enjoyed this little trick. 0(0000000GeoRon. 8‹‹?À‹ÿà‹ÿøÿ‹ÿü €‹¿þ$@‹>ÿ&LÀ‹0/ÿ€nY€‹ {€¬þ€‹ÿÿ€{ü€‹ÿÿ?Àþ€‹ÿþ09‹ÿÿáÈ02‹/Áÿøôpb‹¿ø?úq„‹ÿÿÿúã‹ÿÿÿÿàæ‹|ÍÌ÷î ‹þá×ýî0‹ßð«ûÞp‹ÿ»øÿûÞð‹ÿéÏœä¯ø‹0ҟɯ–ø‹†€ø7hLÏø‹8r /GŠø‹`4°7ø‹à1ž€?êÞø‹àœÿÿø‹ ð¯ÿþø‹ øþ; Bïÿÿð‹oz~ä’ÿýð‹ç3¿îÛÿÿð‹ç2Þûÿþûà‹2eÿÿÿÿÿûà‹É¿ÿÿÿþÿÀ‹ÿÿÿÿÿÿ÷÷À‹ÿß¿ÿþïÿw€‹ÿßÿÿÿÿ÷»‹ÿÛÿ¿ÿ÷ÿà‹ÿÛÿÿþÿû‹ÿ·ÿ¿ÿýÿ€‹ÿgÿÿÿ½à‹~ß}ÿÿÿð‹ÿ÷ÿÿÿßþ‹ÿÿÿþÿÿÿÀ‹à?ýÿûðà‹ÿ‰_ûýýÊ"‹ïßïÿ¿A‹ ,ÿÿà個°€<@‹À@‹€ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿0F‚?À ‚?À ƒÀ8ƒÀ8 ƒsƒs …‚€à…‚€à†øX†øXÛþ€V¯ÿ—ÿÿŸþ€V¯ÿ—þUª,(—ÿÿª,(—þ@—ÿÿ@—þ*e@—ÿÿe@·—þ‚à—ÿÿ‚à—þUP0—ÿÿP0—þ‡ —ÿÿ”‰ —þ*‡ —ÿÿ™‰ —þ‡€—ÿÿ‰€—þU‡Ä —ÿÿ”ÛÄ —þŒÀ¸&V—ÿÿŒÀ¸&V—þ*Û3jÿ—ÿÿŸÛ3jÿ—þÉ\ H—ÿÿÉ\ H—þUIÉ-˜—ÿÿÛIÉ-˜—þidsAà—ÏçidsAà—Î*ðXzÐÖÿ‡ÃðXzÐÖÿ†­];xÏ瀭];xÎU÷Þ’ÿÿ€÷Þþ„ÿÿ€‚þ¿¿ 8‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹?À‹À8‹s‹‚€à‹øX‹þ€V¯ÿ—þ‹Uª,(—þ‹@—þ‹*e@—þ‹‚à—þ‹UP0—þ‹ —þ‹* —þ‹€—þ‹UÄ —þ‹ŒÀ¸&V—þ‹*Û3jÿ—þ‹É\ H—þ‹UIÉ-˜—þ‹idsAà—΋*ðXzÐÖÿ†‹­];x΋U÷Þþ‹þ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿