geoSidPlayerY(PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0AAgeoSidPlayer V1.0Roger L. Lawhorn Play SidPlayer .mus files from GEOSi V©/  Lk &` S` $ |  R` L; ygeoSidPlayer written by: Roger Lawhorn A $3.00 shareware donation to the author is recomended ,that is, if more geoSidPlayer programs are to be written. OK to copy. Do not sell without the written permission of the author. Graphic of little man taken from GEOSLEEVE. Origional graphic by Ken Slaughter. Send all comments and donations to: Roger Lawhorn 3632 Gray Fox Dr. New Albany IN 47150X ` ȱ Bs ` P P 0X X  V¥` LS LS  )K:QOn disk:i9N) V `L­` ̉ ` 3HInsert new disk in drive: Yaa|9~qa9bqa9bqq~qqpqqrq~ 9 ? 9 p @o @?r    \©'Щ _© 9 d d Press any key for a new song  ( W p` L,­LR \­ԍ _­  `    P   @ @    P   `     ?????~?~{}}{~~??????    p     ~?pМ?|0>=}??~p~x߾x߿߼߸߸߸߼߿߾|~|~|???߀????    p@@!? ?l:pCl 6Z8al &xrlfژlflfy8l:vڛlz#tl"80!l$`~ <'8>@ x@ $p ?      `pxx xp/'39<x>????`? @@@@@`|x?p? ?0""0?`?"""8?8b"""&"#"#"` W'8UU_2j&(UUWb#HUUUb"`UUU"8UUU"$UUU"$UUUj"&HUUUbj"#hUUU"j#8UUUȏjr'UUUꪪ?UUpj:UUU@jjUUUXj󪪪UUUUXjUUUUXjUU]XjUWUPjꪰUUUPUUUUUPUUUUUPꪰUUWU_꪿UWW??????)PP_PPX d \ n` d _ n`yz{`yz{` \©Ѝ _© `v P " Z`  \©X _` P  ZLL4L` ~.xdP<(  xX`xX`ęԍԍԩԩ ԅPkDȑȑ@ ȑȑie_e\bqq` ܭ0V )T،ԅ=  )x2ʭ=ȑYܭ),`lO0Y V 1}}H5h8358 u58͐e`1&  #Ii 8}H}hU}5}8;}>}ȑJ"mH)hjJJyml\_l =ȱi\i_)ҽ58)8JJJ})) **)h𒨹e},i  H0Fj}/5}28h)58j W 58 B;ADȑGyyJMԩԥ) )@)JJ8j9J-e,P S V 8)~iYl,`HJqJJJDhA`J 2h/`J JhM`"h#$%23<=YZ[lh```hbe`U`; >`J``#`&`G`JH)y)hJJJy,`Jh`hJ\J,JJ  =`=ȑ`J,JRkBknz*`FJ4k kz`0,(` M)MkM)M`JJ_J-9