GEOPRINT DEMOY SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0? A A?ţţţſŀGEOPRINT V1.0Roger L. Lawhorn Try out the Horizontal Poster from GEOPRINT before you buy!/BC y D 6E Z V©a Q``oWaa|9~qa9bqa9bqq~qqpqqrq~3  @  @  @  @  @   ` eP F8 e E̅ H E`md d V¥%d D L m``8`p80p 80H  `hepPܠ 0:8`ȸPEnter number of pagesto be printed (1-12)Say What?!` ) E? E` ``e% y B `e% yB ` `P yP y y< #P Í$  " // /L-C($  `oqr`stuyvwx`sPuywx`yuxw`ijkhl`lHijk(` P` Ku ~  & uwiw Z`m wvy̅x t mC ¢` @C̅ t`L~ Ž% `Paint Image~~ w <  ~ p wi <   p `s eev eet8sm(8vmmm  ~`Can't find photo scrapPhoto Scrap`0@8 b  i  u L ) b  b  u L b )?eeL `ee`ee`e  ݅ V¢`e ¢` L Lo zP` {z } |  ~`  t o yy!{ z} | ~  ~*~P۩e% y Ю`e% y` |} t o yy){ z~ P z{{}z|&өe% y  Фe% y``Can't find printer driver1  sr u tvs rv ? rsustr` srvws r ? wv`|{}z 9 ?`/H/ 9 ?h/`/H/ 9 ?h/`` `  ` 9| {}{mo m| }mq $  `omrim{{m|||{@`zJm}}~Pimrmqm}}|{z` L,­BP wvy x  V¥` Lt Lt ɠ  獭`i9^9 V `L­` ̉ ` CHInsert new disk in drive: Pw^hKappp pp+p<pMpYcn 1nugeosgeoPrint infoDesk Accessory 0Desk Accessory 1Desk Accessory 2Desk Accessory 3Desk Accessory 4Desk Accessory 5Desk Accessory 6Desk Accessory 7filequitprintHorizontal Poster?    $ H 6  K:O)On disk: H    0+ @F H GEOPRINT DEMO by Roger Lawhorn OK to copy. Do not sell. Please pass this demo on!  V`H h `օ ;©8iH }h 88ix` eiŅiHH@ ~B͉ hh5HІ †5hІ@ ~H LLs D 6a QE Z`h" P݅ V`Insufficient Disk SpaceDisk Error