+GeoList80.128+ Y %PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0F p$Epson LX-80OP V3.0 or higher, Z  GeoPCX [,BLASTER'S CONVERTER V2.5[ GetItWrite V2.0 \8.ID Edit Xǁ)iaUA)geoList V3.0John F. HowardLists a disk directory to printer or disk file. 80 column GEOS 128 ONLY !!!!! ԅ ZC Q`  V© V`΍ L,©L[ ~LLr ~L L© L© L©L­  ~  `   L V L~L P=' V¥`  P  P    V¥` 8©   V­ `  z   L T y i m   qd'vrsvLL tu  qtxw  ti tuxL@LE x~ @ @Lp    x  uLL!~  ? L y 9 PdxȀ?Ǎ  N ` ` @@~L0@ y `~`9) ``9hhL@ ee ~m `2`~ y yPB ee   ?  z m `|e Š |͍  |Pم V hh`  y` tLP8)pLHpU V` 9 PdxȀ Pdx ]Cancel...8ZxȍPd N`v}d8)?(rs`% ))Ĉ)@`L 7  Š ] P`ii`` V` @Ln 8:@L~ { /@ /@   `}v@P{} P @P `@L @ȸP񩂅  b©{  * F@LA ;X@ȸP  `d@Lo ``y)@wPy)?yɠ L L #pqzx`x `~L @@L `pq M~ P  @ @]~3P @{ /@譴 /@譲 譵  ` ©L 3ą xą 0Յ ܅ `` i~DP  @{ w~JP @X@` N@ȸPN ʸP ȸP`xzz  `yy   `/ 9 ?/ 9 < < l- geoList V3.0 - PSend a listing of disk files to your Rprinter or to a geoWrite disk file.` x @DEFHGJIuPMP`P@  {`  t©~ μ w`  t m  w`  x `;LL8d0L8 08 0Lm8 08 0{i0@`    04J    0JList the directoryof this disk? HInsert new disk into drive. HCan't find printer driver. 7Jm  [ , )u 0a ,09} @g ,@Place geoList output on which disk?A: B: C:  HNot enough room on this disk.   HHList file already exists.OK to overwrite? Where is the Disk?????.  9 W * 8 FShareware by John F. HowardgeoList was written for C=128 and 1541, 1571 & 1581Drives and/or REU. It works with geos 1.3 and 2.0.The printed output is draft quality, the file outputis in geoWrite 1.1 format.  3 f *u 8 JIf you find geoList useful please send $5.00 to:John F. Howard4433 Clemsford DriveVirginia Beach, VA 23456Q Link Alias: ILLINI70|=<9f1f1~1`1f1< BASICASSEMBLYDATASystemDesk AccApplicationAppl DataFontPrinterInput DriverDisk DeviceSystem BootTemporaryAuto Exec128 Input DrvrSEQPRGUSRRELCBMGEOS Disk Directory ListerListed on: K Bytes free SYSTEM DISKFile Name File Type Permanent Name Date & Time KB WPPage Off the deskTopWrite Image V1.1geoWrite V1.1XH` ǁ]P\D\ 8T`Y{FileOutput*Lq!v;InfoQuit*PrintergeoWrite *BNV8BemWith NotesNo Notes