ƒPS.Patch 2.0    Y PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0æ’ž @ ’’ņ€€•…@›…MŸ@ > ¼'8 °?’ąƒP’OPPS Patcher V2.0Jim CollettePatches GEOLASER & GEOPUBLASER to save PostScript files to disk. Now works with all drives! Č÷÷’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ØĮ?Ē©Q…©$…© QĮ­‰„…t ØĮFžžĄGŸ’ĮH ĀDœü¾DœK©GEOS PostScript PatcherKøCopyright (C) 1989, Jim Collette©Y…©“…©…©…©X…©-… ;ĀŠšL,Ā©Y…©“… tĀ© €Ā©…©…©J…©… ŒĀ zĀ©…©…©M…©… ŒĀ wĀ`„t °ĀL,Ā ½Į„6H„5H©Q…©æ… VĀ©S…©ä… VĀh…5h…6`©…6©#…5`<5Q€@Q:Q€[Qgeospatch+‚QQõPVQķPinfoquit+Y‚lQ€QxQ€®QgeoPubLasergeoLaserPS on Drive 8PS on Drive 9+YŸ‚Q°UQøU+YŸ‚QWQ$W“'Q ŠQThis is a program that will patch the files GEOPUBLASER and GEOLASER to save PostScript files to disk. The drive they will be saved to is set from the menu option while patching; either 8 or 9. This new version has been fixed so it can be any kind of disk drive, including RAM disks! It now can be run from either drive A or B! Thanks to Joe Buckley, the GeoReps, Randy Winchester, my dad, and everyone else for help & support! And especially to William Coleman, whose Single Byte Disk Interface routine made this possible!“'Q õSThis program is shareware. If you find saving PostScript files to disk to be productive for you, and especially if it's used for professional publishing tasks (i.e. newspapers), you are asked to send a donation. (I feel $5-$10 is appropriate, but anything is OK!) Send it to: Jim Collette (aka Jimbob2 on Q-Link) 6782 Junction Road Pavilion, New York 14525-9755 Thank you, and enjoy the program!GEOPUBLASERGEOLASER V2.1©>XøP© >X ½Į©…ū ”Ā©Y…©“…©…©…©U…©“… ;Ā„š%­„Éš ­‰„I °ĀĘūĖ©X…©?… VĀ„ÉŠ³`©Y…©“… Ā­„…­„…©€… ©… äĮ­€…­€… äĮ©…ū­€…­€… äĮĘūŠļ  ¹€ŁiVŠˆõLwV©X…©Ņ… VĀ`h def gsave sh©Y…©“… tĀ© €Ā©u…©0…©…©… ŒĀ„H„H ·ĮJQ©L;©=©<©LU©W©V­>X:©źyz{|}~“µ¶©`—h…h…8„é…„é…©…©… Ā wĀ©Y…©e… VĀ`©>XøP© >X ½Į©…ū ”Ā©Y…©“…©…©…©U…©Ÿ… ;Ā„š%­„Éš ­‰„I °ĀĘūĖ©X…©Š… VĀ„ÉŠ³`©Y…©“… Ā©Y…©“… tĀ© €Ā©u…©0…©…©… ŒĀ„H„H ·ĮMŖQ©Lß©į©­ą©Lł©ū©°ś©źfgh©`®ĆŠ­>XŽh…h…8„é…„é…©…©… Ā wĀ©Y…©Ž… VĀ`PS Patcher V2.0 QX  lXHHPlease insert a disk withGEOPUBLASER in drive A or B. œX  ·XHHPlease insert a disk withGEOLASER in drive A or B. įX  ’XHCannot patch this version ofGEOPUBLASER. Need V1.0. 'Y  EYHCannot patch this version ofGEOLASER. Can patch only V2.1. oYHGEOPUBLASER patch completed! ˜YHGEOLASER patch completed!L…LLß  ¹„™ćˆ÷©Sį©Pą©.ā … ”Ā©… öĮŒ„„©… ©… ’Ā„ „’­­’©©©L¬š™JLī`H …­H­H­… ­… ’Ā„JL„ KLh…h…©L… ©J… ēĮīŠī© høP¦ …©JL¬ˆŒKL­…­…©L… ©J… ēĮ­…­…©€… ©… äĮ­…©€… ¹ž‘ČĄŠö¹Żš ‘ČĄŠōš © ‘ČĄŠł©‘ČĄŠł­‘Č­‘­…­…©€… ©… ēĮ JĀ ­Œ ™Œ™™ŽČŠō`  ™ „` „ ™ `®‰„­:Ž:L°Āx­‰„Ķ:š; ¹‚¾Œ™ŒŠ™‚¹‰¾™Š™‰ČŠć®‰„½†„ÉŠ ¹€œ¾Ž™ŽŠ™€œČŠš (¹¾@™@Š™ˆš(`LL³Lt  ¹„™ćˆ÷©Sį©Pą©.ā  ”Ā©… öĮŒ›„„œ©… ©… ’Ā„ •„”­•—­”–©˜©š©™L$¬˜š™ Iī˜`H ­—H­–H­—… ­–… ’Ā„– I„ — Ih…h…©I… © … ēĮī™Šīš©˜ $høP¦ © I¬˜ˆŒ I­—…­–…©I… © … ēĮ­…­œ…©€… ©… äĮ­›…©€… ¹“‘ČĄŠö¹Żš ‘ČĄŠōš © ‘ČĄŠł©‘ČĄŠł­™‘Č­š‘­…­œ…©€… ©… ēĮ JĀ $­Œ ™Œ™™ŽČŠō` ė . :` : . ė`®‰„­ŽŽŽL°Āx­‰„ĶŽš; ¹‚¾Œ™ŒŠ™‚¹‰¾™Š™‰ČŠć®‰„½†„ÉŠ ¹€œ¾Ž™ŽŠ™€œČŠš (¹¾@™@Š™ˆš(`