Storm DemoY0PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0h̨!"p@LfH:V^֮{w>$ @@U2Storm Demo V1.0J. Buckley DeskTop simulation to demonstrate the upcoming Storm Systems Disk I. K\2[2 !  /e2)`2JJJJ `2`2{2] ­e2Z2]2) W2Z2) W2W2`2) V2Z2) V2V2`2)X2Z2) X2X2d2) Y2Z2) Y2Y2 "    Q Z/ƍ2` $@L)@|.@3@8@?@D@ geosfileviewdiskselectpageoptions'JJJ (e&`S{m` (e`Y7`\c``t`d` OZN6M006M0A6M0R6M0c6M0t6M06M06M0Information9I Wy3QuitAQ 0- IWe)Font MonsterRePrintCIRCE V2.0Wrong is WriteGraphic Storm IIREU Zap IIQBB BootDrive OffEnter ReturnFont Thief II (HHU Storm Disk IStorm Disk II (`HU  (#Page 1Page 2 (Buy it!Don't buy it!U2`LHH HH H H "h h hh hhL-<U2   iHi0 Ehi0 E/ E  iHi0 Ehi0 E/ E  iHi0 Ehi0 E E    iHi0 Ehi0 E: E  iHi0 Ehi0 E EA P EM E LEaAA`!!!!!AAq9 d㒊l 0la΂ h̨!"p@LfH:V^֮{w> < 0~k I0#   #I c~s 8J/0YYOPOF& P  A ?d"D"LfLdLdLdLdLfLbLbLfLdLdLdLfD"d"? a* 5JIJIJIJI7g= c k5ǀ"CA! c?==g  c`@ ='6ٰٱ̀ c0H%HŨI Heg  )PPPprrpء؁ a*2+"  @@OOOACA@@0(0( Ⴣ/ ]5U*5U8tc4+<p]wruwrwqwt xPNAx<~0/1O aA! ȪUվ!~QJ}EE()H+*T'EFe)C(rzUժUUU UU۪UUUUUU*UUU5UUjUUVUU X0 X> XL#S#<   0Z 0h 0v 0 X X XX#S#< `  8 ª   0 ª |   ª +  ª 3` L a L  LV)  L  < L  ȅ L  P L   L  L  Q L  υ L  e L  ܅ L  Y L  L  L  ) L  ͅ L  S L  L  L  L   L !  L [2P [2;:;:<< 9 )x [2" \[2 #%H 0 " ZP [2 'H 0 "ޅ Z\2[2 E` u       !       ! e8 L` \4       !       !8  eL|` All documentation will be supplied in Doc Wright II format to allow for easy hardcopy generation. Berkeley Softworks: The lightest minds are working at Berkeley. Font Monster: A font 'editor' which lets you create new fonts with geoPaint and then import the images directly. 64/128, 40 column only. RePrint: Allows you to generate multiple copies of your printable data files. Works best with geoPaint. 40/80 column support. CIRCE V2.0: An improved version of the classic strategy game from Emerald Green software. (By permission of Emerald Green.) Wrong is Write V8.0: A new, improved program with such added feaures as: 40/80 column support, no longer inserts page breaks on text import, and desk accessory support. Graphic Storm II: This second generation program has keyboard shortcuts and will convert DOODLE! and bitmap graphic files to either geoPaint or photo scrap files. REU Zap II: Store preset RAM 1571 definitions to be loaded by merely double-clicking the data file. (Best if used with a 1581.) 40/80 column support. Any Drive Boot: This small application will allow you to 'boot' GEOS from any supported drive type. Requires an REU. Q.B.B. Boot: A variant of 'Any Drive', this allows owners of a Quick Brown Box to 'boot' GEOS from the box. Requires a 64K QBB and an REU. Drive Off: Turn off your disk drives without having GEOS crash upon their reactivation. 40/80 column support. Enter Return: Allows users of GEOS 128 to use the ENTER key on the numeric keypad as they would the normal RETURN key. Album Reverter+: Degrade V2.1 photo albums to be used with those older programs which are unable to recognize them. 40/80 column support. IRQ View: For the curious programmer. Since geoDebugger will not allow you to view the hardware vectors, this will do it for you. 40/80 column support. Font Thief II: For use with geoProgrammer. Now user selectable relocating symbol definition for multiple font use. 40/80 column support. Alarm Flash II: For those who have monitors which lack an audio channel, this will cause the alarm clock to flash the screen border. 40/80 column support. Convert 2.5: Convert any GEOS file type with either application or desk accessory versions. (By permission of BlasterSoft.) Paint View: View geoPaint graphic files within a 320H x 192V pixel window. Hulme View II: View standard CBM SEQ files from within the GEOS environment. Storm Disk I is the only place that you will be able to get these improved versions of older releases, while some programs are making their debut appearance! No one says you have  to buy this disk! If you don't, you'll miss out on some great GEOS programs. In cooperation with Emerald Green software, Storm Systems presents:  Storm Disk I (Shipping July 15,1989) To order, send $20 to: Joseph Buckley C/O Storm Systems 464 Beale St. W. Quincy, MA 02169 Coming soon to a monitor near you!  Emerald Green software and Storm Systems will bring you:  Storm Disk II ?(?        | g Storm Disk I  S # # !0 S#< !P #%H 0 $16 files, 0 selected 100 Kbytes used 66 Kbytes free\2[2 LEP {P Z2(e[2L$V2(e詌V2(e詍V2(e詍 V2(e詍V2(e詍ąV2(e詍˅W2(e詍҅W2(e`V2(e詌Y2(e詍V2(e詍 V2(e詍V2(e詍ąV2(e詍˅V2(e詍҅V2(e`ۀ pA8p B01 I$ @ cH%@JU$ p U R*@rU8 @ U R+@BT$p"S L" 0p 0B2-lE &H I!*%JPTHr%*J`TH J*CJl0"2q E$ۀeH% &R,)T% * T@UPUIS)ƪX% 2d@UPVI,$ Ԛ 2i@P#D&&P: B  PA €ZP!2`D (P"@ P"A (P)! $) * F)) P *) * L6F587#3}4L./ )+ .P` I wish to extend my thanks to Randy Winchester for his original Antigrav Toolkit Demo and his indispensible help in creating this demo.Copyright 1989 by Send comments or suggestions to:  Red Storm (Quantum-Link) or:  Joe Buckley 464 Beale St. W. Quincy, Ma. 02169'~.  ,X@ * *_q@  a^ aS P-@ P !P ( @T ` +{  VԀ ]* +* /WTJ J_@ UTU%Q`8 *( ϙ T %? pA0Q$I>GI0$I~k=Ϙό0I$|X9pI Jy0$'I$? $I%HD I$D IRQ" $X ( I3DH I$?p$q 1p` |>O>LZhv/`46 ;©8;iH ,h 88i  i8e'`4 " S?44I ©4 ei4i64 45HЅ †5hІ 4 ?% 1P c11 V­ Lr04͉ 4 L") +1  .@@Please place disk withinto DRIVE A.into DRIVE B.4 4 1C1S`142LV) 1  11@General disk error.Error: $ E4JJJJi0:0i E4)i0:0i ELE) 2  52@There is insufficient space onthis disk for this operation.