Pattern EditorY 9 SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0YYY9iɌPattern EditV2.0Wayne Dempsey Pattern Editor V2.0 lets you edit the geos system patterns in 64 or 128 geos. 9 ? 9#"~~~~~ 8 ~? z h  C  &`@/ 6 !/` 0@P`p       0@P`p   v Q`  5 .  fileloadsavequit 6`?'g?''i'G(GgO(OgW(Wg_(_gg(ggo(ogw(wg@//@77@??@GG@OO@WW@__O Z` [@    <|f͙f͙f͙f|U ʸP`  9)qAu*rst 9P 9qu $uurstLqaL` 9 )g (h``(h @ L:  !  L`  F Pݢ  'Ȣ  Ȣ `   Ȅ  & z` (q@ q qqqqqqqqP؄uq(h q ʆ PqqqqqqqqrrθPuЅvEv  &` 8 ~ȹ8 ~ȹ8 ~ȹ8 ~ȹ8 ~ȹ8 ~ȹ8 ~ȹ8 ~  &`  % LPatterns~@$ ~ @$ ~  % 8© ` 9"#$@ ~L>`% E@A@Patterns L,© 9 ?  V© Z V`  X ' 58+ P; Pattern Editor V2.0byWayne Dempsey Copyright 1989 RUN Magazine  ! .! ., 37 3B 3M 3X" If you have any comments orquestions on this program oron GEOS, please sendthem with an SASE toWayne DempseyATTN: GEOS4078 Greentree DriveOceanside, NY 11572