ColorSmasherX PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0IIIIII8ITI|LN߁=o1aa8~Color Smash V1.1John P. Young Put some color in GEOS! (C) 1988 by John P. Young/ ?@/  (_ (((_8_9 M  ( X( X(/ ?k Z  :  ! V©`H5'Ѝ h)JJJJ [ i1 ) [8 i1  H  H5 )h  H  H5 *h `   b @] pHh  V`Յ V¥ : m P :L,© z  V¥   V թ VL`z=z . wz  VLQ VL Ӆ V`Set new colors 1z `8 `8!$"T"T"T!($ LCH@!  Color Smash V1.1John P. Young Color smasher will put some color in your GEOS! (C) 1988 by John P. Young m ` L> م V ` sp*r [p [p8*r [p [qqPP`     m  {`HHHHp e & & &iis erhhhh`0 8 G  L    P` 1 L44 < ; : H5 )hPI􍺄􍼄 < ; : H5 *h | 荩x X` <  P<  `xX  4H5 )h i1  P1H5 *h i1  ` L <8.JJJ*  P 8* ` r sp [p p [p` ? ?H5'Ѝ h`Ǎ? ?H5 'h`8~~~~84F|f  , ( It is done master!(Paint Master Comes!)Click!)Q M #b <0w =| K ] k Color Smasher v1.1(c) Copyright 1988byJohn Paul YoungAll Rights ReservedFor FREE Distribution!(Paint Master is coming!)X  '! 63 HK \\ ip v  So you clicked here!If you have anyquestions or commentsjust write to:Mr. John P. Young1202 SilverwaySan Antonio, TX 78251Merry Christmas All!Clk   Why did youClick there?:zY    ++Give DA what name?H|b   (5OK! Insert a disk!(Paint Master is coming!)G}b d )tInvalid Name!(Paint Master comes!)% +R<Frohliche Weihnachten!set the new colorsleave current colorsWiedersehen... @??!8kOPpi_@#qC0Ă@ V@ s;pc1D`Ӽ3s 9 @;xc0#f3f#(@ьc4f0#F3fόctf0#3fۀьcdf0#̆3f0@pcf0'3f38c?g0??f3}Pә`G8N``cÃ| w$@B0rAD"`p@>>"px||;_WիUUZ0@??!8kOPpi_`#qC0 Ă@ Vp s;pc1D`Ӽ3s79 `;xc0cf3f#(`ьc4f0cF3fόctf0c3fۀьcdf0c̆3f0`pcf0g3f38c?g0?f3}pә`G;8N``cÃ| w$@B0rAD"`p@>>"px||Z U U U U ի W _ 1f``3f`3636`3?`3  0 0 69 ټm ٸa ٸ9 ټ  ٶlǏ39     ~`7`3338cg7l>lc8c30|ffͳۀہͳff>|