GetItWriteZ +PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0Pub Aid V1.0@Joseph ThomasLists and allows renaming of geoWrite files that are imported by a geoPub file. /# Z/  6 0 ( 9 H /  /A © ƅ ׅ e© v ׅ  V¥'C ƅ ׅ k0LCL L,© ׅ L) V­ LC   LC LC d ׅ t©E ¥ w % FgeoWrite Files in geoPub File: ׅ e F(  H2F !e i  H `г3 Q`  6 9 < < 9 D `   H `  H` emi`/A ¬ a V¥a  `ee؅ e©y؅ e©؅  8  k `L׍ {`!ׅ Ly ! V¥ LLy ؅ 8 k`hhL `y y؅ YLp؅ e© y  V¥y e­L © !e؅8 kдy e© ׅ t©E wL { ;¢iȸPȌ @ Oi PJ`   V` LC  L, LOn Disk:Insert New Disk into Drive. Filename buffer Publish Doc V1.0OKNot on DiskEnter New Filename:The File already exists.Please enter new filename:geosfileGetItWrite InfoclosequitrenameSelect FileTo RenamegeoWrite FileGetItWrite byJoseph ThomasP.O. Box 33004Decatur, GA 30033Many thanks to William Coleman?  (L? A]#AQ "@AYW"AπP"A?χ?]"A?{ "A?"Ax "A?ߠ"A?ߠ"A?ߠ"Aǃxߠ"Aǃxߠ"Axߠ#Axߠ Ax|?ߠ Aߠ A ?A?x  :L N*< mٞٳٳ?03 & P #2 2D AL  ( 2 < P   JXa If } Ok t ):K\m~+@{ 0x L  L  )L  :L  KL  \L  mL  ~L /@  ?` X>H h88r7NM%\?` (* 79@BD;=DFSU\^~!@ 8K^ ^`?` h=h>>H=H= == =L   8'|#! 8 @   !  9 1l{ $$ '   ' #lWLF C   ~ $k`  ` 1ei  Lux8H7H 1 8 77 9 E _ $ im*  `ee Hг h7h8`8 _L*+8H hiLQ`L LW0E@ 1i 3  1<8$  im `Rox 8  ) # *`  *L`