'QWIK-TOP'Y  PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0 Oki 20 B/WOP V2.0 or higher.LBRGULP V2BLASTER'S CONVERTER V2.5Y 9-CENTER 80-Y-QT2.3-docs-X EEEUUEEXEEݶQwikTop V2.4@John F. Howard/JC64 files displayed on the screen, load & run like DeskTop. GEOS 128 mods by Jim Collette.! !?)!!0LYʅyxɅ{z)  VL, x1 LÅyυxÅ{z) % VL,©ÅyxÅ{zxD  T! !! m 썄 썄  !  Z! !< Q@ 덩`  V© V` ΍! <L, ƈ)1 V ©! ` ED D  V¥G !?!!7 V¥& ! !L!L!L` ED D [ V¥: !2!!*& !!L!L!L` !!! 8­!!!L`! !! `!`! `! !! `! l21 L! L ! l21 L!  <!L`!t ! !T!E ; : <   O`21`! ! Ǎ !?21  `!!!! [" x!"g-h-ƈ)?(g-h- !!!!g-!!!!!$ȩ!!ȭ!i!i !!i!LW!!ii!L*!,υ!L*  x J!!!(!&!H!L+ !*!p!L+ !"! ! !!! !!!8M7!87! !!!Lx l!v!!!Q!!! H! .!!!!! H!i!!i!! !i !P­!!fb![!!N!iP!!i!!iP!!i!7iP78i8! 7iP78i8!La Ln L+  !8=7,!Ѝ!v!!!Xl ! H.!!! ! H!i!!i!! !i !P8?7!87X `` \ !L !`qps ru t * !L!!!!!q!p!s!r!u!t!`<LɷL;!: !F!f !P L! =L!! !sr !u=tL! ɠ! !sr !utL! P! !sQr !utL! ! !sr !uOt!!5p>qL G!>pGqL P!GpPqL Y!PpYqL !Ypbq!&!!! `,υLn ! `m!! i i c! i(ii(i"ee!`!piUpqiUq!`!!! !! ! *!`!HH х hhP 21 ¥!! =!!!!&! ..9)߅9HH chh9) L[LU!!! !! ! L \ !L!! !!LL! i!! !!!Pg-g-!! ! i ~!! !!!! ~!! x L! im!!`!!` im!!`! ``!!!! !! ! *21!  ©Ǎ!!!!9)߅9`!! ! i ~` `!1!21 8!!! !! ! *hh`0!!! Z!!9)߅99) !!!!!L9)߅9L!`!`LAL]L * V` ΍  ΍ ­!L΍B e©B © )©u! h©!!S e­~~"! ;­" ~ 7~PԩY V­!L v" "S B ©  V­!LBɠBP`!`HH © )­`)@ ɀ.hh` VL! V¥L!0ͩ V¥L %Phhhh!L! !I!? `!AHH 21Ʉ H hhh`   HThis program won't rununder GEOS 128.  HHThis program runs in 80 columnmode only. Switch modes?   5HHThis program runs in 40 columnmode only. Switch modes?; : < `! E`0,ĈP+ !       `H h!!ƈ`H  hHHH P ¬hhh`HĈ) y h` 9 !  ! > $ 'd !  ! = 3  ! P  !  ! 3 !`!`yx !i{z `!`yx !i{z `!5!vyx !~{z 3`!yx !{z ` h`/ 9 ?! @`  9 x? x? Disk: ! H  b¥   ! ! H` ©!`I Š  VL7`!!% )!)!Ĉ)@!`!D10-:)80E!0:80 i !!`PP!8 cii"!!!Șei 8! !i!P׭!L g-!!!8g-  L!!g-!g-!g-!! !! ! !!!m!P`h- g- ¥ !g-!g- g-! ! g-! ! g-!!`!!!!1!g- !g-g-ʽg- !P!!g- !g-g- J` x`) ~ȩ`) Oȩ` ȩ`Dž! !  !  Pv!  ! ( ! ? PV!  ! H ! _ P6! !  !  P !  ! 7 *` uQwikTopfilediskpage 8FB!B\infoquitswitch 40/80 ,Nbdelete file @|rchange disk *X ,delete pageinsert new page Wmy 8\B!B\ ;hb Tr *s , $ 8888 ``ABA_PP? ?    ?!?@__@@@@@ HThere was a disk error. ;HInsert new disk into drive. cHCan't find parent application. HCan't load this file.  HQWIK TOP works only withGEOS V1.3 or higher.   , HWhich page do you wishto delete? 6 RD GHHDelete page and all its files? o  , HInsert a page afterwhich page? $   * 8* FYShareWare by John F. HowardQwik Top is an alternative to the DeskTop.You see up to 64 files on the screen, and canload any Geos file just like from the DeskTop.Works with Geos 1.3 and up and all C= drives & REUs. $   ' 4 A+ NF Xv If you find Qwik Top useful please send $5.00 to:John F. Howard4433 Clemsford DriveVirginia Beach, VA 23456Q-Link Alias: ILLINI70Modified for GEOS 64/128 use by Jim Collette. (GeoRep Jim on Q-Link)@__@@@@@!# !ȱȢ !%P` ! % `Page BorderQWIK-TOPQwikTop V2.4DESK TOPdeskTop V1.5 KBytes Free128 DESKTOP128 DESKTOP V2.0