DISKMaster\  SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0??q۟۟ދsSampleSeq V1.0Steven E. Eyrse Change a Disk to and from a MASTER DISK. perm on bootdsk If it's UNMASTERED. V¥L,© JL,©K J ,!? L  This will change the disk it is on from A MASTER DISK type to Reqular or Back.. This will let you delete files from your boot backup disk with out having to drag them to the border, Or you can set a disk so you must. It also means you can copy a existing file to BOOT disk to update and not get the NO YOU CAN'T prompt. ENJOY AIR'S :)This Makes Master This Un-Masters݅ `a  (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpxffb< 0<<<~<~<<p<<|ff ffff`ffffff``f|<|>|>~ffcff~ f<80 ~~ v f|<>` n~|`fxxn~ p`k~f|f|<ffk<0 ~|`>f>f|8lfffff`ffkf`f~ffxffff`<fff f|fff0f`fffffbfffl``ffll`cff`flkff|>`f<><>00 fF? 0`<~~<<<<<p|<><f<f6f ~00|<`x