FFTBYPRG formatted GEOS file V1.0߿wtWf«CIfU$)%$#%E  FastFormattrV1.0Scott E. Resh Fast_Format_That_Baby is a nice little disk utility.63333> 3 3 3 3 33@ǀ3xp30?3|q<3;><<3;|8x30<Ï3x?>3<{>3~<ǟ3|<<30axx |3 x0 3x3x 3p3 033 3 33 p8 32$@$3*Jp%YL3 *J@9O 1$Ht$O 6#6~  p`~~ǿ>sǻ>#>"ܡ>>ǜ>>?㜀?>7?>3?s?>0>B s???:/s>??xDy>?xay>?x΋`?̇~Sa=~Ca~_= ~O~bX8}~t8<P l0J0 ,@Hm @ @@  @ 0@6" x J LJ Y v  ) ` Y"Lv Y`))ƻ`" K D)D` ) `" KC 9"YYYYi漥CH芝K1 0h 1 : 2P 2P2PUPPP0UPƼКPP "# ;L` L# L XtL@TEMP/ K ? 08?7Dž4563:9ʎ;ź ­0)L,©LQ L, ;I;0,X` 5­)?` \  x HHD I S K E R R O R ! ! !Want to try again ? :I:0",NuOv9L , < <=> V¥<1:)8=/0:)H88 m88hm88=v<uL <v uL څ    ei␿` o M - E  L 9I90,`   HPlease enter DISKNAME,ID 8C1B0A х " ",90, V¥"L ,:,9"7:", #$P2,L 43P " 1706P 76 >  \ :    "    6 7  o ? @ _©0?@  J V¥mL ,; Š ,:TBB:0BAA0 ,977:076C  V¥L Յ VL HD o n e !@ &diskoptions,% ! formatquit:< ] y make disk GEOS compatible? [YES]format multiple disks? [NO]incrementing ID? [NO] NO] YES] o M - WL H How many disks to format ? HHPlease insert disk #xx...  (` 0 G`