DiskLockV SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0>A:@y@q@`AP0> Disk Lock V1.0Lee Semel Protect your GEOS disks from accidential erasure./; 6F Q Z `?W\htO @ ,2s 9 geosfileprotectdisk lock infoquitlock diskunlock disk`0 B`UU`U`U`U` ? U`  U`xx8$0D U` @U`@e "(?8%@ U`$ $ @ U`$ De "(@U`Axx8 U`.pGU`CAU``APU`0U`U`>U`U` U`U`UUx  V`L, G­P  VL8 P90 J©  V` G­P 7 VL 09 p V¥L J© j V`H   0 GEOS Disk Lock was written byLee Semel. Contact the author onQuantumLink as PixLMaster.H   - The current disk is alreadylocked.H F  d The current disk is alreadyunlocked.HH   0 The current disk is a GEOS Masterdisk, and nothing should be deleted.Do you still wish to unlock it?H   & 0J The current disk is now locked.Files may no longer be deleted andthe disk may not be formatted.H ~  0 The current disk is now unlocked.Files may now be deleted andthe disk may be formatted.