video libary] !PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0x@@)*: A GEOFILE IM V1.0GEOFILE V1.0 ! L! VEL[B]ELthis is a video libary template.By Dan Barber (J.Barber9)M$7video libarynumber setupjjcontent 2j)*star trek*l*Buck rodgers-the one with the perfectly gentic woman, miss consmos)Buck rogers, knight ryder, star treak air wolf, air wolf, knight ryder, knight ryder, star treak(star treak-the halloween one'knight ryder-the one with giloth(the big truck)&knight ryder-the one with giloth(the big truck)%airwolf-the very first one conclustion$airwolf-the very first one#star treak- the one with the flying stingrays that bite"knight ryder-the one with the gymanst girl47 quality recording)karate kid part 2, knight ryder, knight ryder, startreak, startreak44on planet earth, 227, Dr. who tape 955the last ones i recored off of 46(last tape)Dr. who tape 1170Rockey 3 can be recorded over_ HpLh lG ,L.8 :,TkVideo Tape No. : n loan or rent?ereped by Dav ?808` defect from the equivelent of the sovent unionis "the ninetenth hole"y were killed``8>`9`I     9#8[#`;fs<ÀŇ$AI$$$I$ $HI$"I$AI$#0 U;No.o 7_& 5`Commentsrag\B2yko storage for all video tapes owned this is the first file9 ~yIs this tape in my possion?.!|If no then where p!8ONo.o 7& 7tyLocationn w(#;Contents 3wl($Contents 4wl(% Contents 5wl(&Z Contents 6wl('] Contents 7wl((:cContents 8wl!)` All(Contents 1: H("6Contents 2: H