geoLogger[$PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0ՙUՙUիժkfUck5+5рͳ fogeoLogger V1.0Mike Craig GEOS128 80 col. disk file cataloging system. Shareware - $5.00.t:! 9!/ J P:!L, qBp  q:!@LT`    geoLogger  V Q`@k3geosCatalogOptionsb%|n UT'ClosecCUpdatecURenamecNRecovercRPrintcPQuitcQFYN9ScX]PDiskSortPageSearchS̅ ;©8  ``d̸ݸ!2CProgram info І `̅ee  P   `*JUoAddADeleteXF~mby DiskDby FileFby TypeTby SizeK*]UpF1DownF7  9! L,`   V©>! '` # 0 X $ 0 @> @J @VgeoLogger is a GEOS128 80 column diskfile cataloging program. This program is shareware.If you find this program useful, please send $5 toaddress below:Mike Craig12001 Lockton DriveRichmond, Va. 23233%- L, < Ⱦ< ª`?! { `  tŠ ŠT Š  w` ;¥` LgeoLoggerDisk NameFile NameFile TypeFile Size KB** End of Catalog **Disk NameFile Name,File TypeFile SizeuqWXSweC=64 BasicAssemblyDataSystemDesk Acc.ApplAppl DataFontPrtr DrvrInput DevDisk Dev.Sys. BootTemporaryAuto ExecInput 128DELSEQPRGUSRRELCBM0123456789abcdef'd  geoLogger by Mike Craigwritten December 1990 "  V¥ $ q` ; ` 9 $` 0 U U7 UP # -F3 Please Select Option:new catalogexisting catalogto deskTopz+ L& A    V¥-  wL;     ` V8` ( - 72 H HH\Enter the name of the catalogto be created on drive A :  8``  L tŠ> Š4 wŠ*} |!@~LL͑ ©  n5A  qp  ߅ V¥з8`` Y@ 2 b N ((Insert the disk into drive AqYaՁUUY`logData V1.0geoLogger v1.0@logData  ¥A   V¥ wL$`8`  M);\on disk A :   , ` ;! ;!`>! '8` tŠ E  w`  w8` Š ~!@8 ` Š }|8 `   V¥C>b>! ' 1  ! Y " b>!L' V b>!L' Y@ . ( A Enter the new catalog name : Y@ ?9 X JD (The file already exists. ;!  qPb>! '` Š! ) ;!:!@ ` 8`捧p  p!=!@c ?f 0fl3fc>sÀ? <ff~`f<? 311w13131313731?`c! '   | `b>! '` Š- q p  y}x| J L `y xy}x|x exxyPyɸxɀ``xyqxpeppqpxxxȑxy}x|  e||}m` 0 ) y~ 3`L q peppq~ x~ȥy~ )~ ~ ~ s rerrsu~tetturterrsetturt e~~mxixȱxix;!`p` Al:: l# V¥ `8` Y@ (@ Ia(( (\Insert the disk to be catalogedinto drive A ,b>! ' !=!@! '` x8 | ;!`y xy}x|)xx  n k exxyP` mK8 ~8 8  ~8~  ~` !@~Wxy ePץ ee ~xȥy`  V¥`8` Y@ $ D  (Enter the disk name to be deleted: Y@ <\ X <g (The disk  is not in this catalog. 9>! $1)>!i >! ' 捧`Σ` 18Ffȅee  E H LE  `H ehȐ`h e`      LH # DISKS =  h# FILES = L ` >!>!>! V=!{!ڰ ?`zȱz %{z %z ` Zee, Hz!z ee Hzȱz b¥X څLHH Hh`2 Eޅ H E` =!!! '`!{@z?! $ z8 z{{!z@!{@z{=!z! '` U   / p/ p< F  & SearchSearch criteriaSearching against :3?@?!u ܍t } э| Xs u эt } ܍| Ks p Z`PK)I )V {"h L­?!?! & `?!?! & `{z~;zxȱzy$x  ezz{P`8`{z~2&!z  ezz{P`8` I!{@z{z~X ` ޹  ezz{ 鼰7{z~)"{ z {z"> ռP :!@L,©@>! '`#  E x ! һ   ƅЅ  x  x 0 xƅ = xЅ "`{z~ xޅ  ` xzȱz  x{z 0 xz  ` Zee z!z ee < xzȱz b¥ ػڅ `### $#`# $#`#$#` #$v y`" ȹ"   8  P   Ƹi 0ʸƅ `e Š.! { %&3R`L y y"!`%5 P $Ǎ`$v y`0{~zezz{8``Catalog: Pagesorted by