AutoDate] 1&PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0DLՒUUL̀ G@C@@ V1.2Kent L. Smotherman Automatically sets dates in DateBook for holidays, etc. by Kent LS on Q-Link!C/' 6A. i@ Ӆ Z H  tL NՅ w©2 Q `  wL,© t  8HHwՅvp < hh wL ??c hxR,dInfoBuild Date BookEdit DatesSave DatesQuitdeleteaddFixed dateVariable date?B ƗDNHNLNPNTNXN\N`NdNhNlNpNƗDdHdLdPdTdXd\d`dddhdldpd / 9 o(xx {z Hzi{ixx Ωxȩ*xx  Hixxة  (ii i 'ee Ω (ipл 4;2:2<(ύ o` / 9 o(,,xx x5xeeо,i  (ii i 'ee Ω (ipлf;2:2<(ύ o``;:<8( i8 JJJJ `e` ȭȭee  V©? Ǎ o(/ ``;:<8( ii8 JJJJ ȭȭȭee  V©? Ǎ o/ `Յ6ee}|`g/ 0  1Enter text:vL L ȱvȱv  iȑ\ȑL  ȑ  ee6evvewwL< v W vȱv0 i8LX `p  L pwvee0ȩȄ ` wL,©\Fei&  i ee аШ i`td o k t  1  γ    / L*  k γ   0 ? L*ut6ee ( ڭ   / oyL*`ee ( ڭ   / dnL*`   6 L P  ' VL M o $ . 8 D P Kent L. Smotherman/Stop Code S-44First Data Resources7305 PacificOmaha, NE 68114FREEDOMware contribution, $5For my daughter, Katie LynnCopyright 1992, OK to copy not to sell! wL,­`;:<͡Pܰ P͠έɸ8  ix6 `eeI  x `mi `7Յ.ut.}| `H8i  P  *h` 9 PTiw}|`L) H"ׅ HL  H  H ,- HL ,- H h i T6ee}|wL`Յ`) 6ee}|A6ee}|8650 LՅ)ߑ6ee}|ݩ tL Յ wL1st2nd3rd4thlast $(WedThuFriSatSunMonTueDHLPTX\`dhlpJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec   Page Date BookAutoDateNew Year's DayMartin Luther King, Jr. BirthdayMartin Luther King, Jr. Birthday ObservedValentine's DayWashington's BirthdayWashington's Birthday ObservedSt. Patrick's DayApril Fool's DayEasterMother's DayMemorial DayFlag DayFather's DayIndependence DayLabor Day Child Health Day Columbus Day Halloween Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas