CONVERT 3.0X & PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0y͆͆͆y8|File Conv. V3.0@Berkeley Softworks<@O<perating <@SConverts GEOS files to Commodore SEQ and back.ur Commodore computer. This demo program will i  (2064)x0߅ ¥   P       2©6LCONVERTV CONVERT  E Q`    ` @?`*0$j,i`6*)`*j,8i6* ` 9 $ '`n 2 LHConverting file... 9 L$Pp ` 2 2 `  Š`  Ɂ0  S 0 Ll ^ G­ J­ `Not a GEOS-SEQ file.       ` Wȹȥ  P Ж  `L ]``P2P-P(P#P P PPP PPH h ql Š^   ^  G© Š  J |  p `     `S  A@BGeKˈ\    `SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0  VȹP   ȭЗ ` 4 <(HChooseFileL,>Vc[tfileconvertoBquit* GEOS to Commodore SEQ fileSEQ back to GEOS file     # 9 F S d r  Auto-ExecApplicationDesk AccessoryFont FileApplication Data FilePrint DriverInput Driver128 Input DriverBasic ProgramAssembly ProgramData File,0>`}?U@e@e` 9 `Lji  jqi f   L Z P  l ¸P` O ;iL*qٞٳٳ?03``  L©0ɠ`Insert new disk into disk drive.File exists, choose another.On disk:LV­L… H| Zh`  HGIReg#vxkm