LOADERMAKERXSEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0@_~o~w~wvtu~uu~tvwwwwp?PUPLoaderMaker V1.0Nick VrtisCreate a loader program on GEOS disk to load ML files created by a non-GEOS assembler.P 6PLQL,¢Q PL 2U S PΩ!U{S P!UnHn hnS Pé!U 8¢2U@~~i@yTizT0T L PLV\PPP%PPPdonemakehelpPPquit@ @ LoaderMaker V1.0 Machine Language Loader Maker  Nicholas J. Vrtis  Copyright 1988  5863 Pinetree S.E.  Kentwood, MI 49508 1 QThis program is used to create a GEOS program which/can be run from the deskTop. The GEOS program will9then load and run an assembler program created as aC'normal' Commodore program. This avoids having toMrun a seperate program to 'convert' your assemblerWprogram each time you reassemble it. A 'normal'aCommodore program has the load address as the firstktwo data bytes of the file, and starts execution atuthat address after being loaded. S (S <NEnter name for new loaderprogram to be created. S <NEnter name of program to load. T (T<NThat file already exists.OK to overlay ?!UU T@@QLoaderMakerV1.0Nick VrtisLoad and run a GEOS program created by a non-GEOS assembler. This program loads @ ŠL,­  l