backdebug.patch[ PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0@O U  Fbackdbpatch V1.1@Robert A. Knop Jr. Patches geoDebugger 2.0 to default to BackRAM debugger./ 6 Z  L ) LZ2\0  >L >L PשL.ٍ/0 T VL,GEODEBUGGERFile GEODEBUGGER not found.Patch only works on GEODEBUGGER 2.0Error Reading Disk.Error Writing Disk.GEODEBUGGER 2.0 patched! j H? V¥`L,7  $ .Y 8 L VGEODEBUGGER BackRAM Patcher by Robert A. Knop Jr.This program will patch GEODEBUGGER 2.0 so that it defaultsto the BackRAM SuperDebugger. The file GEODEBUGGER mustbe on the same disk as the one this program was run from.WARNING: Make a backup copy before running the patch, just to be safe.