checkbook.doc] .PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0AWrite Image V2.0geoWrite V2.1  ...݅ ( >1 59 ..  9 < <` " . r " `(@1ʎsAڢ9 V&  8H8888888 HgeoCheckBook  v1.5 H  by Kent L. Smotherman Kent LS on Q-Link! Copyright 1992, 1993, All rights reserved! for my daughter, Katie Lynn 8H8888888 8H8888888Kent Smotherman/Stop Code S-44 First Data Resources 7305 Pacific Omaha, NE 68114 8H8888888 v1.5 Release Notes This section will describe the new features found in geoCheckBook v1.5 - please note that any information found in this section overrides the remainder of this manual! The only new feature in v1.5 is called reconciliation, and is used to help verify the monthly account statements from your bank. geoCheckBook keeps track of your current account balance in the lower right corner of the display. But when your bank statement comes the balance it shows will generally not match that shown by geoCheckBook since you might still have outstanding transactions entered into geoCheckBook that are not included in your bank statement. The reconciliation feature of geoCheckBook v1.5 allows you to mark inside geoCheckBook all transactions that are not included on your monthly bank statement. geoCheckBook will keep track of the total of all these outstanding transactions and provide you with the option of displaying your reconciled balance - this reconciled balance should exactly match your bank statement! If it does not either you have entered a transaction incorrectly in geoCheckBook or your bank statement contains an error. To mark a transaction in geoCheckBook as still outstanding (i.e. it is not included on your monthly bank statement) simply point to the transaction on your geoCheckBook display and click - the entry will then be shown in reverse video to alert you that it is in outstanding transaction. If you have an outstanding transaction from the previous month that is now included on your current bank statement, just point and click on the marked transaction and it will go back to normal video. In both cases geoCheckBook adjusts it's internal reconciliation balance accordingly. To display the reconciled balance (after you've marked/unmarked all transactions according to your bank statement) just select the menu item 'reconciled balance' under the main menu item of 'checkbook'. The balance display in the lower right corner will change to show you the reconciled balance. The display of the reconciled balance will remain until any other option is selected that updates the main display, at which time the actual current balance will be redisplayed. Note that all new transactions entered default to an unmarked state, and so are presumed to be included on your next monthly bank statment. You'll notice another new menu item under the 'checkbook' main item - 'zero reconcile'. This option is used to provide compatibility between geoCheckBook v1.5 and your existing CheckBook (or other named checkbook) files. When you access a pre-geoCheckBook v1.5 CheckBook file for the first time with geoCheckBook v1.5 you  @MUST select this option  @IMMEDIATELY ! It will initialize your reconciliation balance to 0. Be sure to select 'save' on 'quit' to ensure file integrity. 8H88888880 Welcome to geoCheckBook, the automated GEOS checkbook! This documentation briefly covers all of geoCheckBook's features in case you have any problems, but geoCheckBook was designed to be as user-friendly and self-explanatory as possible so hopefully you won't have too many questions or problems!  General Notes 8H88888880  @Using geoCheckBook geoCheckBook works just like your checkbook's register section except that all computations are automated. You have fields for the check or transaction number, the amount, whether it's a deposit or debit, the payee, and a memo. Additionally geoCheckBook can keep track of up to 48 categories for your transactions to aid in budget analysis. Categories are shared with the memo field, so you can either use the automated category feature or just type in memo text to help track your transactions.  @Reports Perhaps the most useful features geoCheckBook provides is its reporting features. Reports consist of an automated totalling of all transactions with identical memo fields. If no memo field is present then the payee field is used (only the first 15 characters of the payee field will be used in this case since the memo field is 15 characters). Note that the match must be identical, and this is where the category feature is useful. Categories are selected via menus and then entered into the memo field of a transaction automatically so there's never the chance for mistyping. Reports are sent by default to your printer via your printer driver's ASCII output option for fast, quality printing. The printer driver can be located on any drive connected to your system, geoCheckBook will find it when needed. You have the option of printing a report for either the currently selected month or for every month in the currently selected year. Optionally you may redirect your reports to a geoWrite V2.0 document file. 8H88888880 @File Storage  geoCheckBook maintains a GEOS VLIR file to store your checkbook transactions. There is a separate file for each year, where the default name is: CheckBook'xx, xx being the last 2 digits of the year for that checkbook. You can create other checkbook files but the naming convention is still of the general form: nnnnnnnnn'xx. Each file is approximately 118k, so if you are using a 1541 drive you can only store 1 year's checkbook on a single disk. Each month in the year is stored as a separate VLIR record, with January being record #1. Record #0 is used for internal information such as the checkbook balance and categories/memos. Each month is restricted to a maximum of 200 transactions (deposits and debits combined), so there should be plenty of room! This CheckBook file is updated whenever a change in month is requested from the currently displayed month, but only if a transaction has been made in the current month. A save option is also presented when you quit geoCheckBook. When geoCheckBook runs you will first see a dialog box from which you can open an existing checkbook file or create a new one. The first time you run geoCheckBook you must either select CREATE to create a checkbook with a name other than the default "CheckBook'xx", or you can just select QUIT and the default name will be created and used. Please note that this CheckBook file requires 118k of disk space so be sure you have plenty of room on your geoCheckBook disk the first time you run it! For the first time you use geoCheckBook you'll have to enter a 'dummy' transaction deposit to establish your balance. For future years, however, you can carry the previous year's balance into the new year by using the following method:  @Carrying a balance/categories  When geoCheckBook creates the new year's CheckBook, immediately select 'Date' followed by 'year/File', then select the previous year's CheckBook and 'Open' it. Next select 'CheckBook' followed by 'carry balance'. geoCheckBook will remember your balance and categories, so now select 'Date' followed by 'year/File' and then re-open the current year's CheckBook. Finally select 'CheckBook' followed again by 'carry balance' and geoCheckBook will carry the remembered balance and categories into the new checkbook. If you only want to copy a checkbook's categories into a new checkbook and not the balance, follow this procedure: First open the existing checkbook that you want to copy the categories from. Next simply create a new checkbook - the categories from the previously opened checkbook are retained (just make sure that when you QUIT the new checkbook you select SAVE to update everything properly). If you want to create a new checkbook but NOT automatically pick up categories you MUST create the new checkbook IMMEDIATELY when running geoCheckBook - just select CREATE from the initial dialog box. 8H88888880 @Screen Layout  The majority of the screen displays your checkbook record, with fields of Day, Check #, Amount, Payee, and Memo. Check# is restricted to 5 digits, Amount to 5 dollars digits plus 2 for cents, Payee to 25 characters, and Memo to 15 characters. At the bottom left corner of the screen you will see 4 icons, the leftmost 2 used to page up and down the checkbook display, the rightmost 2 used to scroll up and down one line. At the center bottom is the display for the current month and year for the data shown in the checkbook display. At the bottom right corner is the current checkbook balance. 8H88888880 Menus The main menu consists of the following selections: GEOS Date CheckBook Find Quit Categories  @GEOS : Used to access desk accessories.  @Date  Used to alter the current month, expands to: present Selects current month from GEOS clock/date month Expands to menu of 12 months for current year H8H8888888year/File Brings up a dialog box for selecting a different year's CheckBook or checkbook file. Also allows changing of disk or drive as well as creating new checkbooks. 8H88888880 @CheckBook Used to enter a checkbook transaction, expands to: 8Hp888888transaction/today Enter transaction for today's date transaction/this month Enter transaction for current month transaction/select date Enter transaction by selecting month p888888888pcarry balance IF the current balance is 0 (for example, a newly created checkbook) THEN this selection applies the the previous year's checkbook balance to the current checkbook. See General Notes for complete description. p8p8888888carry balance carries balance and categories to new CheckBook file. report/this month Generates report for current month. report/this year Generates report for current year. print this month Prints all transactions in current month. print this year Prints all transactions in current year. redirect to geoWrite doc Used to redirect the previous 4 functions to a geoWrite v2.0 doc. redirect to printer This option is replaces the previous upon its selection to allow redirection back to your printer. H8Hp888888 @Find Used to search the current CheckBook. The search occurs from January through December on both the PAYEE and MEMO fields. The search is NOT case sensitive.  @Quit Quit to desktop or equivalent. Allows choice of saving current month or exiting without save. H8H8888888 @Categories  Used to view and add cat