PROCESS CHARTX$PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0轲ʽ`~~~~~~~~~Publish Doc V1.0geoPublish V1.0Publish Doc x! 2>Process color chart for geoPublish. Magenta, Cyan, & Yellow combinations. EL X>JffffooZ   ,4 s us uZj ,4     ,  ,Zkj mjT<4dTd4T4T4T4T4T4 T4 T|4TT4|@MAGENTAZnjX4|pj,tt,, , ,x x Pt ,Pt,,P,PTx,Tx,||X|,X|,0T0T,,,,, 0 04X,4X@CYANZfb 4  ,4    ,   ,<4<d4d 4 4 4 T4T |4|444XX,XX||,||,,,00,00TT,TTxx ,xx!!"",##$$,%%&&,'',,((,,,))PP**,PP++tt,,,tt--..,// l 00l11,22 , 334,444,556677,,8899l;;4l4??(.j<=<rj=>(;eaj>AdPj::(?jAB(jEE(iB<$-T jCC(T|iDD(|i@@(iFQ(iGS8#[iHVK#_iI``#]eviJTA#9ZMsiKGK$a*biLI@#cPiMK@#d@iNXU#h/iOF8#]iPZF#c[w iQN4$<[OhRR-$a'hSP0#U hTL@#chUOF#]hVYf#ihW\P$ge}hY[p#Bd_hZHZDHnlWh[WnEtuh\JF,HhX_xDnufh]]Pn,9h^MPF,g*h`l4gaax|g_U`0^l-f  How to read chart: Yellow is divided into 6 squares (A-F). A is 0%, B is 25%, C is 50%, D is 75%, E is 85%, and F is 100%. Magenta is divided into varied percentages from the bottom, and Cyan from the right.#  Chart By: Roger Eller6@geoPublish Process Color Reference Chart@E@C@A@F@D@B  100%  85%  75%  50%  25%  0%  100%  85%  75%  50%  25%  0%  100%  85%  75%  50%  25%  0%  100%  85%  75%  50%  25%  0%  100%  85%  75%  50%  25%  0%