Grabber upgradeW SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0 $$qD=^ ay  @E@GRAB UPGRD V1.1Chris Hawley FG Run Grabber upgrade to upgrade your V1.0 Graphics Grabber to V1.1.5 Š/ A ҅ L@B  L@@ DL@A S i9A DL@ ©B L@ ZD ;DQC C 8©D )B 8©CB Y©B  PB B M rDA DL(@L,This program upgrades oldP=Graphics Grabbers to versionPJ1.1. Do you own thePWGraphics Grabber program?Insert a disk containing theP@Graphics Grabber programPPin drive A.Do you have any otherP@copies you wish to upgrade?This Graphics Grabber isP@already version 1.1.Upgrade is complete.A Graphics Grabber was notP@found on this disk.There is not enough spaceP@on this disk to make thePPupgrade. 11K must be free.A disk error was encounteredP@while trying to save thePPGraphics Grabber.GRAPHICS GRABBERNEW GRABBERx$" 1[C1 J1` +1S6VQP  $  )Aȱ < ɂ4R i  | !6QP mPPQR 6QPU x`0ɅL 3ʅl1DLN Q2)@)?`b1Q2 ` 61 `2 Q2b1 !1` ȱ  `   )­Z\11`DDLDDDD V¥`D V¥`  HH Š'E 8©EEEE܅ EELwF  HHC $$D=_ᅻc1Grabber V1.1Chris HawleyGrabber upgrade