Lace II\ =SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0 +5~+~5~+~5~+5+U[UWꪫLace V2.0Paul B. Murdaugh Use Lace to view all your favorite pictures from the top 3 128 pic formats Requires 64K VDC RAMi  S   L-4-)/ 8l2- Dž ΅ L*/k 6   O+) Q  ZL'%`   `  k E r  w (ex  L Ѕ 6 (44~ S~`)")@ LPI H1)e H4i4` E(4(A E: E\949B E: E;J4JC E: E[4[D E: E`154115711581rsjjjj.Щ r Dž4 %F E` w ( (0=13w254`p `  ܀GeoPaint color correction&4 %Display Modules94 9GeoPaint 1M4 MGeoPaint 2a4 aGeoPaint 3u4 uIPaint4 Basic 8`?===''ww?'??  jjkkkkll(??ǀΠ2+>0(<0F+RD(PDZ+fX(dXn+zl(xl+(!)2:CKT\w(i v+=xizxxiz0z8x ? H`xi(0 i1 w `x8x ? H`pppppppU d< ^  *   * .  * ?  * P  w 0w Dw Xw lw r  +Á$ff$   ˏ/>l,?ތ0,0^0ì,0^0ì,0^0,?ތꪪ/UUU~"A a  ` `y `y y`y yy ya~y yx~~y y`xy y`y y`xy yxy ~x  ~~ `x0 gǏ<`>0`  ن `38 3ن ϳ`37l|366lϜ ٳ`>2l͛6l66l`30l͛6l66l0 `30l͛6l|3>0 `>`0g|0`` `t  : A L B L C L D g 0L LN v @x@/    N /X`' w` ɀ7`   8v76 5&4 %   H Ս @E~@uEtx  t}z` 6/6 5 8w7utz8x``4 < E`sɠ EsLAs8see` 1 ) ­ s r %sr H `Paint Imagel ɠ *r` Յ  0S͉ 0D 08Т  n) e S? 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H  ) 4 F "QI- IPAINT -Picture Format: IPaintDisplay Mode: InterlaceDimensions: 640x400Note: IPaint uses overlapping colors to createthousands of virtual colors. H   & 70 < L "W+ - BASIC8 -Picture Format: Basic 8Color Modes: 8x2, 8x4, 8x8, 8x16,monochromeDimensions: 640x200 - 640x500Note: Use your mouse to scroll throughpictures larger than 640x200. j  * 5! @5! Kf!Geopaint color correction makes it possiblefor the 80 col VDC chip to display all of the 40 colVIC chip colors. The following colors are simulated:dark grey, brown and orange. You may experiencemore flicker with this option, depending on thepicture and your brand of monitor. 2+(&&;&$0$ W $:$W$WW$WWW `W`xyWgxaxWxyxWaxxxx`xWxyxx~xWx~x~xWxaW`x``xWWW$WW$WW `W 0 c 0 cW ٜx c 1 W 1 ` 1 `W  ` W ccWcW ` `W `WccWcW ??Ú` Î`W Ç Î`È ÎWÈ óc?cWcW ` `W$W  W $W  W$ $UuW:$$UWW&&Uw&(c0<  (  ªee`*eȸPȱ V`afI ! 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