ScraPeek 3X (SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0}>}?J  StartUpScn+ 3.B@Ed Flinn View photo scraps and albums... for GEOS 64 and 128 40/80! t ňL = <;;:K<nLV©C I ~I >;=:x<P V¥  L,L  = LV­ň CL~L,L,© ҅/# ~@;?:}<$ V  ` E`I  C L6 EL L,C I ~I >;=:x<P V¥  L6L  t­LG EL6HDh D8 L9# E wL6D zL9D }L90n L E wL6T VL~ /# ~@;?:}<$ VL6E xޅD B;A:Z< E V¥L6 E pLL90n xY j`Z ~`dd  K #r - 7 A,This program is in the public domain. If you'd like to discuss it, or GEOS, or anything at all, visit CBMART Forum on CompuServe. Ed Flinn 10/1988  Z*L; On disk:  .L ^LNo such page.  0 K 04 Choose which kind of graphics.    ), :$ KPage just viewed was Enter page to display (1- ):(  ~ T ,- 6   /b  T   8 , 6  %  b  n  ňL,` EL8o8Jk ɀ (L P8nL l`8Jl`qlkno n) 8((PPnQ 8PPP `  ` t 6`- VL,¥?I? = t L?ɀL L  < ; > =! @ ?% B$ A   xw }|  , $ ` 4` < ; > =# @" ?' B& A < xLw l }T| D \ d`?ɀ  `H h`Photo ScrapPhoto Scrap V1.1photo album V1.0Insert new disk into disk drive. Empty album. T@|ٞٳٳ?03 ٻٙٙٙٙۙ 7 كك ك ك6 ك ðffÃ1fÃ1fÇfÆnÆ>À ss{<{fofxo~0g`xgfc?p88p88p88p88p8    ?  pp8988pppp88p88    ?  w89w89898989p8p    ?  p?Àsss  ?   8>>9psÀs8s?sp8>8  ?  * 0 HNot Enough BlocksInvalid TrackInsufficient SpaceDirectory is FullFile Not FoundBad BAM in DriveCan't Organize a REUGeos Structure MismatchBuffer OverFlowDirectory is EmptyDevice Not PresentNo Header BlockUnformatted or Missing DiskNo Data Block FoundData Checksum ErrorIncompatable FiletypesWrite Verify ErrorWrite Protect OnHeader Checksum ErrorDisk ID MismatchDOS MismatchUnrecognized Error Code* Disk Error *dv,<XlHHH H H.H ʊ P!s  *   1 2 S Vh.h h hhh`HHH(HHH hhh`x5Ԡԩԩ7ԩԢԈԩ0X``}?i@`ddPHh  P 0 0 00 0 `L8:L80L88:L80L88:L80L8))  `)d `qq`0Ly0Ly`