ALB ANIM DOCX PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0ݓ{ߓݓ8p@WW\UUPww\:";":H .  DocWright V2.0@J. Buckley This file was created with DocWright II. From Storm Systems.I K 9 0? ?65877   : ؍ P< 658n7  q x NX& e    VL,: A    #:: :  q q q   @. eFf @8  H##65877 658n7`i& t©## L  #`#0ԠL .""e  eL L # i""""L  eL  eL e. L H""h EL ##``  (  0 P `# 0o 6Pz 6L L# /0 # Š+hh w¥.H  3 6h.0L,©/0 ­0,00""""  ""`00""""  ""`?ZZnZZ_f- Click mouse to exit -ZnZf- Click mouse to exit -#""L&HH   HhP"" hh OL&hh""H8i" " 7  n   $h""Hh E# #`Hh `8o Š` VhhL,  ( 8@This file must be renamedbefore it can be run.Æ  L© V­`e Š e VL,©  3 6@y L,hh& t y y# L ȩ##k y0# ###k y ?L,©P #E##k y# ###k y ?hhL, > ȩ##k y# ###k yhhL `eLeLeL L` @@Do you want hardcopy?  ( 8*@Printer driver:Not on disk.L,  V© V­!( V©5 V©; V` `?`&ݓ{ߓݓ8p@WW\UUPww\:";":HDocWright V2.0@J. Buckley 0 ALB ANIM DOC D   (+/37?BFIMSV\bhntz$+28@HRYahknqtz}  `IA| @ E9PϜp HHBBAH(H"P @   *T@$Z("QDHH@BAPJ(HDI",cNs\9cTΔRQK  P `@$H "<GO@~ApJODI$ҕ))E$RJHJ >8H8$H$xBR$HHFBAH*HDU_$R))EPĒPT@$I""<SHHBBAHI* H(" P$R))EP$Q T@DJ$"HHBBIDIȑ(""@$Ҕ)E$2 8tCar d255, it will be ignored. Click on the QUIT icon to return to the desktop. This version does not support color. If I get a good response (in the form of shareware donations) I will write a new version that does support color, and also enable you to store the album pages in the Ram Expander, allowing a much faster animation rate for larger sized pages. One other thing - the photo albums you animate cannot be larger than about 32K, due to memory limitations of the C64. If you try to load an album larger than this, you will get a dialog box with the error message, "album too large to fit". Enjoy the program. If you like it, send a shareware contribution of $5 to: Dennis Seitz 7137 Snake Rd Oakland CA 94611