ThumbnailX2SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0@` P P ~ <~4Thumbnail V1.0Red Storm Save thumbnail geoPaint pics to a Paint album. Written by Joe Buckley. K 9 ? <, Q`>=JBlFileOptions+:[`QuitInformation+Y}Compress FileThreshold L, n V©{ V­ V© V` k s  ` 6 Q t© ȅ6 Pȅ0 x R-н w Sǐ?`0 :;     Qȭeة     Qȭe`e    JJJJ    JJJJ`   @ȩ  @`     `     `     `  V` EPlease choose new value:>J ` ߅ <:JJJ8  `A8 e: B` L B e: B`" f8"$"$"$"w7$~< p V­` L\ LP   : VhhL` I  T MWarning!Please make room on disk.  0D H% H<G``<3fc33>c3?fc0fc3fc3>9  L 87 ك6 ك ߃ 6 ك   T L©0L©  ( ( V­`lmͅ V   (  / VL\ 5(44 ( t© ©,  w©(La   @Please enter name for file: 9 @File already exists.    Q t© LP  LP  LP  VL   EAlbum has reached maximumcapacity. ȅ6 0P  |  z J ``````02`03 `1@3`14`` P& P @P  ­8 ȅ6  0 5P 0ee ~@ee2ee ~ 6 z0L ȅ6  0 5P X0ee ~<2ee ~ 6 w`06 5  D P P ? ש86`` Jf Jf Jf `?? i i  e  劅`` ` @   * * * e ee8  L6 ȑee8 ` v   e e8  ` HH HH   6  D  ? 6hh hh` u``60 P)@ P KP`)ePG)? ee`)? ee` ¢  0yy)kRQ Q V­hh` VLsLsQ VLslm` F y)M F y);yMOn disk: APlease insert new disk. AFile not found.  % 5 A`AChoose disk for target file:?00 ?11?1111? hmL© mL 000`A:  B:  ٞٳٳ?03 #I ©LPaint Imagelm ͉ `ml ͉ ` ¢  0yy)kRQ Q V­hh` VLLQ VL ` ' L LL ` `|yvÌf̓f̓f̓mf̓gfy  L q 40` W6K587#3}4` The source geoPaint file is divided into four pixel by four pixel blocks. Any block with the number of on pixels equal to, or greater than, the threshold value is plotted as an on pixel in the compressed image. Using a value of three for the threshold will generate the same compressed images as Berkeley Softworks.ǀ߃<ǀ<ǀxx x~x  ==} $-@yϜ (D@)6mn6"D@(6ml0"@)mۖl6" @&my  !  &2 g0)K )H&zi)x!B))@)J))H2'08`ccas0ҔbRi{0cbRiK0Ɣ9vgIc`#Z Send comments and suggestions to:  Red Storm (Quantum-Link), or:  Joe Buckley  464 Beale St.  W. Quincy, Ma. 02169Please select option:a new album.with existing album.ءܡX\ئܦX\ثܫX\ذܰX\صܵX\غܺX\ڡޡZ^ڦަZ^ګޫZ^ڰްZ^ڵ޵Z^ں޺Z^ءXئXثXذXصXغX@<?>{)K)K)K{{)K)K)K{{)K)K)K{Paint Image V1.1Red StormgeoPaint V1.1 Created with Thumbnail, by Joe Buckley.