SCRAPGRAB[  PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0 `` `~~9<ASCRAPGRAB V2.1Michael Myers Use SCRAPGRAB to manage photo scraps and albums._   ~ 3 / b 4 k Dž l V¥L5  L< L<` a  a ' k t ` ` L wL<   z엄#P   ʊP }P ! а!h g f e j i e 8g e f h f Z  ˅ Z`!(c !08c !xP !xc  `  6` ofDžg ʆ `Ȉ 7` 4 P ) V`  H. <(e  ,_  iਐ`. <(e  ,_   iਐ`P`,_ P (e`,_ P* (e`  6 k* H` hhL5 v u `  L5c ` c ` L  L` w­b M Ӆ 8©!  j i e! g `hhL b. XMEmpty photo album. hhLN`b f   ~L>¥; : < `` bb L Ӆ LB L!  L!h g f e e 8g e f h f a L@0L` L Lf e ! L wL| S V P  0! ;1 FE H | *N< a  L( ( 0''//'0(0 0W B T < fU xr  q3 3 ? 0 3 q? ccccn{À~;31`031`0?`00`03x? >cc``~1`331`331`333c3>c30>01x? 00|000006o`? qÃfccÃÀ? /00y111313q? /```c133p0q3? / @``` P5PـS!\Ynffl8JZPhoto Scrap V1.1photo albumPhoto ScrapInsert Disk in Drive: On Disk:No Photo Scrap on diskMichael Myers414 East 3rd StreetBeardstown, IL 62618-1208