Icon EditorV PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0 @@      !' <  "Icon Editor V1.1Eric E. Del SestoCreates custom icons foCreates custom icons for GEOS files and installs icons on non-GEOS files. A ?R G­LL# º;;;; o y   V q ;;; B0 !  ;9;   l L z 0`>E0`; L,© 6˅E B!h B36 H Z O Q   0 P`?6x6(Icon Edit Window3Icon BufferActual Size:Actual Size:x Icon Editorw        J 4   `0<` f`f`f`<``0`m0m0m 0m=0`?``a 0E00E Z `>E000 Z `>00 Z `>0I00 Z `<>0>0>00i00 Z `<~0~0~0j000 Z `<~0~0~0&&&000ة0 Z `000 00 00 00<B0C0D00 Z `B0C0D090 00 00 00000 Z `!0H00h00H00h00H00h0Ω0 Z ` e t ` Je) & &ee) ei )ei)8@ 0= ``؈) & &ee) ei)ei)ei)8@ 0 =``@ <84TJJ e:8`_JJJJJe`@ @ @ 0 00 @8 T O 0 0 1ȱ 1`0`00 ) ` 11 `>00 Z `>0` B  _ L9 z` B;;  _L00)@ V¥` DDThis file is write protected.LRIgnore write protection? BE? V¥9 00ȑ8  jL9( V 0`   ( 2 DDAre you sure you want todelete this file's header?Its icon and file attributeinformation will be lost. 7 SDYou cannot remove the iconfrom pure GEOS files. G­11 ~ J` ]``L  ΅ V¤ `+!4G K%K-  Select File:5 L—L  ٞٳٳ?03`0`6n6f`6f`6f`6f``801 1m V8+110ɠ00` wAYou did not select a file.0i9 V8` AInsert new disk into drive x.I 8`L 8`111121111111x1  x1 L & ɠeɘ ˢe11X`LL0LL3څ 1 1@`5`   `  L` 9.v G $ ' G k `11ͻ1ͺ1 e`8H7H@.  9 $  8 7iHH Hhh11  *.h7h8`i  H `/9CMWak0j11ͻ1ͺ1N  ͷ1Ͷ18eP̥͹1͸1 11P 11 L z`1L1Gk  BPk  B1 `L11 `1  P ?`111ɾ zP6 811118111111 `11eͻ1ͺ1 zP0 m111m11111 ` /9 <   < k`l  ` `j <   < 9` H`0H5'Ѝ0h00`0x\X`xH5 hX`H5  rh`00'Х:)iХ<)i2`6  s )M0  P `0(0'Э00`0 )0'Щ `?@`h L0 00? V¥.00)  V8 R   _` DDThis file is not a GEOS file. L>Convert to GEOS file type? DRelative files cannot beL>converted to GEOS file format. ޭ11 J `@.     d   00i.``001ȭ1` V¥H00hE`E`g00ȱ  ׭HG0111ą1 V  LKP HG00 cHGeeJI`   <Enter initialization address:(Up to five decimal digits) 106180  cee  c P`00ȭȭȭȭ`00DF`00eɠMsM V`Ea V` 0D[ DcDkWhat type of file is this?|RSelect One:$  <Enter permanent name for file:  <Enter name of author:<3f``3`3f<>3030?00ٳ0030>0301x11101111331>L©L©L©0 00 ``;0 JJJJ ȥ) ԅe V©.H;h8`;;;li0:i'] `DD  2Disk error: Disk fullFile not found Device not found!Bad disk/no disk%Verify failed&Disk write protected)Disk ID mis-matchUnexpected error: xx`L©! ;©8iH h `i `geosO2"