BigClipper3YPRG formatted GEOS file V1.0@O`o W5TٓS!\ɐY inɜffl `BigClipper V3.0Nick Vrtis 1989A Program to make big clippings from a geoPaint picture.ꢈ ;8  C i> >    /򍱄   Y LQ,,",3,D,U,f,wp ¢  پ Wpii Lmi9 Lܠ LyzG  L W` `  Lm+ɀi9 ͠ L"  L"`Lm c  qr c н uv8uq)vr  Lz8 0/)muuv Lzvuѐ ݠ Lzuqvr 8/L1 c  yz c ؽ }~8}y)~z Ǡ L28 0O)m}}~< L2~}Ɂ  L2y}z~ 8OL8uq0vr0q)srqFjFjFjFjtu)wvuFjFjFjFjxy)y){z|NznyNznyNznyN~n}N~n}N~n}8}y0} p0qrs` t  t   (Lf    (Lf0@8   L)   L )?  L(r 񩀅*sɿrsr sɿrs ,  * F L  & ȌȑpLȑpQpL QpL[Qp-ȊpLp p) pL p) ȊpȌL p)p ttxL w­00FjFjFj0 cpȩp 8L ɀܠpȩp yqrv(}u  3 H8pq0 E E0y80}80qr800ഐ ©LQ}0i}yiyL+ 8qerqr8ueuvL+ 8yy8}}L+ uv00L ieuvqieqrL+ Lz p0q1ۅ 8©  Lm} `qrrvquss , 8`s``e``rs`e`8eppqqɀ hh Lz` @ hhLm`s (LF *{e|eys)L  0,, (80"   ce `h `   `hhLmLVŽ ` ` 9 $ɯ`LYLj) = . 3 8 GEOSDoneClipHelpK0q BigClipper Info9 ,Quit(H  "4XFSelect graphic input file  NInsert new disk in drive :Paint Image  (IN <Enter TOP,BOTTOM scanlinesEnter LEFT,RIGHT edgesseperate values with a comma. rNInvalid number entered  (Press button to re-enterBOTTOM less than TOPRIGHT less than LEFTBOTTOM scanline too largeRIGHT edge too large N<BOTTOM adjusted by scanlinesRIGHT adjusted by pixels  8 BigClipper V3.0 Big clippings from geoPaint.`  -N<Insert disk: pIn drive:    (, 2? AR KkBigClipper - Copyright 1988Nicholas J. Vrtis5863 Pinetree S.E.Kentwood, MI 49508User Supported Software.Please send $10 user fee. <NDISK ERROR CODE   (NClipping too complex to fitinto buffer @`   " 'Y ,S LeftRightUpDownSaveResize Scrap Size is 1 BigClipper will allow you to make almost any size+Photo Scrap you want from a geoPaint file. There5are a few restrictions based on the way Photo?Scraps are handled by geoWrite and geoPaint. TheIheight and width must be an even multiple of 8Spixels. Also, since color information applies to an]8x8 square, and BigClipper does not require you togmake your clipping on an even 8x8 square, BigClipperqignores color, and stores the clipping as Black on a{Grey3 Background. There is an 20k buffer limit, sosome clippings may be too big or complex to fit.To create a Scrap, you will need to supply the Top+and Bottom of the clipping. The Top scanline will5be included in the Scrap, and the Bottom will not.?You will also need to supply the Left and RightIsides of the clipping. Again, the Left line will beSincluded in the Scrap, and the Right will not. If you]supply a set of numbers which are not an evengmultiple of 8 pixels, BigClipper will add to theqBottom (or Right) pixels as needed, and ask you to{confirm or cancel the request.BigClipper displays the left side of the original+picture as it reads it in. After the clip has been5made, it will display the top/left portion of the clip?and display a menu allowing you to move theIdisplay left, right, up, or down to see the rest ofSthe clipping. The Save option writes a Photo Scrap]to disk, and returns you to the main screen. ThegResize option allows you to select a different setqof co-ordinates for the cut.BigClipper does not remove anything from the+original Photo.5Remember that there are limits to the size of the?Photo Scrap which can be pasted into geoWrite andIgeoPaint (depending on which version you areSrunning). If you use BigClipper to make a Scrap]bigger than these will handle, they will truncate thegScrap to fit their limits.qThere is a limit to the size of the buffer, and a{large clip or complex Photo may not fit. BigClipperwill request a new set of co-ordinates if needed.Yq ٞٳٳ?03Photo Scrap@``` P5PـS!\Ynffl80[Photo Scrap V1.1Photo ScrapText Scrap