DemoUtilitieY2SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.03333333333DEMO V1.0@Jean F. Major Demo program about GEOS Utilities #1... {1 K/ . v# +) Q  Z  <  _`t`,0* +|L +(Ly +0L`1ٽ`L12@'\bFQ!>[x/ W  + -d|` 0 . ! 1!j ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȘH +hLK1L -G 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -G X - X - X - X` -0 - 0 -0 -^0 -X - X -X - X`O4$Ol0O=OFw4PwlYwawgeoALBUMALBUM_TIMERICON_GRABBERNew_KeysBootMakerColor128Mouse64RoutinesO4OlOOw4wlwwGeoSleuthUpLinkerUpAssemblerUpPublishUpDebuggerUpBSW 2.0interceptorMemory Maps 9 +. +A$ +K$M +V$ +f$ +x$ +4$ +X$` GEOS Utilities I 31 files,0 selected209 kbytes used122 kbytes free1 printer driver Side A Side B Lt)ɍ))O)))*w* *0 * *_ **I***-*f,*/*.*>*=*@*ύ?*O*N*Q*P*>l*M*}**dL $ %?%w%%%&1&c&&&&0'd'''(:(a((()))))$)** *> * * **c***-*,*/*.*>*=*@*?*O*эN*Q*D X[D XxD X ##: ?fLɈ-H( ƌIICuv)I)I)IuIq6ك66y`gg`oo`oo`9 ! ! 9i!i!9 Q!!!!C H !20 =0 ##8?p?sqBsۣҢҢۻ`:J @ #! B - @ VO$?x<轲ʽ`~~~~~~~~~ȪUվ!~QJ}EE()H+*T'EFe)C(rzUժUUUU_U ?030?03 03 3 3 3<p ͳ s0< =3030>X3 0 _ ?UWUUUUUUUUUU*U5jVfc3|3vfffff  Ϙ| ͛ό͛̓͛|  Select Image Type: Copyright by Jean F. Major L @g22 (P{k3p>㍳8330330330330330 < +qpK +srZ +utiL+օ  V­` LV­ LV­ LV©LV!Dq[psqrutLNThis option will sendthe entire screen toa GEOPAINT file... qȅpsޅrutLNThis option will sendthe entire screen toa Photo Album file... !q:psXruotLNThis option will rotatethe entire screen 90 degreesbefore sending it toa Photo Album file... qɅpsrutLNThis option will rotatethe entire screen 180 degreesbefore sending it toa Photo Album file... @qYpslrutLNThis option will mirrorthe entire screenbefore sending it toa Photo Album file... $}LV©$=LVHH߅qpsru tLNAre you sure you want to goto BASIC ??? 8qRpsrrutLNAlbumTimer lets you loadgeoALBUM, anywhere, anytime...40/80 col... qDžpsrutLNIconGrabber lets you grabnormal and expanded (4X)icons in photo album.  40/80 col...8qTpsmruytLNNewKeys uses function keysfor one key shortcut inGEOWRITE. 40/80 col...qͅpsrutLNBootMaker will let youload GEOS 64 v2.0 fromyour 1581 drive...   % q@p sYr uqtLNColor128 lets you set thebackground & foregroundcolors of GEOS 128... y  qp sۅr utLNMouse64 & 128 are input driversfor 1351 Mouse. Right buttonwill load geoALBUM...  !!q===== +Lh=h>=ȱ=ȱ=ȱ=  ȱ= ȱ=  L©5 9  ݅ ?   ? $ ',>  9,L,LW,<L ݗ5 5H 2-h`,50PxH5A, P G, ) -H G,h G, -H G,h G,h( ` 55 555xH5M5:5 -55A P)5 -55,h( -55/55 -55 -55 [-xH05 P&xH05   Hh(`HJJJJi0h)i0`08 i:` h=h>>H=H= == =L    LB .L$ .LP .L- .L*H .hL'  ` PH8.9. h8L @$   B$      % ' - / 5 7 = ? $$2 !$'-148:?CFJNRVZ^bfhknruy~ "%)-/268>BFJNQUX\`fjnrvx| LE\7;)J"87J*A"Q b m$qDTХ)D!)R6ԥ)BJ* lLiUUU%"Y( -.Db*)"J*RYUUU2UT>e"qID-D%)R".IJ"YUUUUTɜ"PEX .7:*K b0):lLѪUUI12)M @ @@ `000q…p0sr0utLNAssemblerUp will updateGEOASSEMBLER of Berkeley work with GEOS 128... GEOS 128 only...HHH H H.H ʊ 3 3 P9. 3 J +s 3 a * 3 n  3 3 1 Vh.h h hhhL, *3 0 HNot Enough BlocksInvalid TrackInsufficient SpaceDirectory is FullFile Not FoundBad BAM in DriveVLIR file not openInvalid RecordOut Of RecordsGeos Structure MismatchBuffer OverFlowCancel ErrorDevice Not PresentIncompatible 40/80 colNo Header BlockUnformatted or Missing DiskNo Data Block FoundData Checksum ErrorIncompatable FiletypesWrite Verify ErrorWrite Protect OnHeader Chechsum ErrorDisk ID MismatchDrive Speed Read ErrorDOS MismatchUnrecognized Error Code Disk Error...11111122&252M2]2j2}22222223#3n393