GeoPower AdZ/>SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0$$əTؓPɐ$$$$EGEOSDiskPresV1.0Scott E. Resh 'PRESENTER' for GeoPower Tools. Call 1-800-831-2694 to order. The price ==> $9.95B` ``|=Ǽps8p 9pq89pq8pq9pqpqvpq<8<=<|E 8    | p q0 9 9ǀ 9 9 9x 98 q8 p ?|d`  ____ ____ ____ ____????Y?}y1`cfͰ3 <  q?@1 ?a߿|!A/`wx?*a%3 ?/qt1?* >W/fq'*«A /yCIxI*࿀yfU|ۏ/񴘃? *$)3M/=%3= $#3 {qI灃{%EA 3 ?ꪧHlx l`y l`)Ialx)I11 l`<y@UY1 l`<Ѱ1 oxy_}~1C)I۰1 9C)I@1 9Cy16o UL&~ /< i @ 9 UL$~ ԿͩB  1B ~QY033w{736363636s33000Ø0pÀccf 0ٙm?co0 3=6m3g? r7 q  1 1 1 1L"# ?#&  !$̠ !$ 34 H  <}? ||889 |8||> 88~ 888f 888f |88~ |88|~c 33 3? ??? 37?7 ;73? ;7??L`wwgwggcgeWgsgwg sgwgcgt3gwpI|88`8830  `>~88n3L3 188c3 3 08833 3 1|~883| 8K 98B 8>9B 9999BP 9=9>9B0 99=989 92 4?x 0HB883fg633L%"1&%"312$%"?f̀m6`& %"0m>33F'"0am0`3yc"&0fm;` 404!0dx<ϛ?p  0 `0 Ì?0q<x {f͛f0fl 3 0fp3 0f8s f0fl xqx݀ _l`sp`9f͎ٱa`l͌a`l͌qa`l͌a`ly9   .~?X„!(r1l~HJDd6HdH ND2"I$H0@Dd6I$H`ND~ɄO@JDr̆`l4Ā (~ p|Ϝx9|ٳ`6sm66 l66y`6cm6 `>6ك`6co668 `06ٳ`6cf66 l;6|<Ǐ8}0 0 x\0`00`yϿÏ0y8x3gf0l6ll3fc0l>g;p`0 `0 1>s͛mc3ffǛoc3 lc3mnc3cπwg?  8?wcs8fـǶlـ>l?ـc0l;ـw;lq>8dV$bpr 0b 0|sϹ0|6lf͎ga60@6|͌fa0`6x͌f60 68͌f60<0=x0000`0xK p>>?ccA 8IId`9ml͛lOI$@lolǘ|OI$ll l͘`II$lǹl͛vcc!ly<>>'8`f3`B"~>(8p0086~|xlm<66|g866`m<668vm6667<݀ 00x.@$!@` @ 1 ffsf 1f`9C9$R' ̑9$1bo!R& d!"@!R ` $!9"o R' d 9339$br$ ̑9$`1gf2"ff0C BB B~\  p 00 |s Æl}81ٰ {f8l0ٰ 30|1ٰ p 3ø0`1ٰ s0vsじy<8|`Ȏ2 "ƃ18L&$ql`D1I c`<`4! I'`l`&$K1ɢ@c`l`bfƀc`8|q 0 .8`  ` ۟x㻀8x>y|̀mll6̀l|< O ` ` Ì   `sh42 !$'-148:?CFJNRVZ^bfhknruy~ "%)-/268>BFJNQUX\`fjnrvx| LE\7;)J"87J*A"Q b m$qDTХ)D!)R6ԥ)BJ* lLiUUU%"Y( -.Db*)"J*RYUUU2UT>e"qID-D%)R".IJ"YUUUUTɜ"PEX .7:*K b0):lLѪUUI12)M @ @@ `8p ~ 3g?/ [B *||@O +ؒGd|@CF#|H+~DH A ġ,? ѿ|"5-/ @K)BtI%o  J?<"@BL$@ Dm@o$$ PSV!oPVcK-+|?q|g(Y?M.{0Uk'@ ;@ }o~~y#@?@?|??:>תۀpg@@1? ({x~ !T}C@ +W~b * +}T {P"Pހ }     ^8>  P @_  `_OD4{~?ߤ/?? h?o ?o  @G@@Rp  rT VҀ.{?&ߟ{ǿj? `?={p8>߿@ȀO|/_}W>)z    >p\0gۿoMz$t?"h!+HX, P$V0:!}p O_P?# oH @U`-681W Bp @W`E-Pqw(%@n@;j4]P 3.( 33n 10#n -c:/P\ `@7q@4 `0&0# oX ,0p0c'02f!_H( L`3vc00 `w@ `9 ꀐ ` # pc@f3n~` @0cćD 'ف Xk @@   H+ :)3H]A L8 Ij))/ q)Оw DR< b]00˜1=u dhH"# M=v@ &A"`ߦZR O-#u b,RvDc" R߀ fOD2`8- }7sGN@V[] |RVӒ8<9J sa5.==ox _EuZJG}" CoַN  5TH[V ?/v]60!{~ sT?UK: T^=Uą_ ɵ8, `woPsE~~ 0>>m 8t]Ͼ{W xUÇZ֫" 0O'kH+ #C_{ה$W {U^+H ._ߧw  RiW, ~jrA | =  >ş]% X/ _( E1 Pw f"Яp @o_ ygB `{D|w jRTt @SXqv 8~ig <Z _=]@}u .~Ӏp,? XwwyT6 zr(? = {X `X7 w}p/PH %W Ò=r`X jۀd }~I@ sS C =@0 `[cx ߯8 h z_pb @mWHx 2{ʸG?KTLo$iL~0|zـ$꽦PUp}_Wr8@@@>A``P x?IR@zOXu~l ?x?*` UX t`~@Create autobooting C128 disks.Convert BASIC 8 '8x2' screensto GeoPaint.Print out the contents ofBerleley's calendar DA.'Tidy-up' diskette directories.(Remove 'empty' slots.)Transfer files between C64/C128and an Amiga.A 1541 fast disk formatter.Convert non-GEOS '9 block'fonts to GEOS fonts.'Fetch' a photo scrap froman application's screen.Create a 'library' of Print Shopand Print Master images.View GeoPaint drawings fromwithin an application.Print multiple copies of anyGeoPaint drawing.A SIDplayer for GEOS.Play '.MUS' files in GEOS!Disassemble non-GEOS ML filesinto pseudo source code.Retrieve info about a file fromwithin an application.Turn any GeoPaint drawing intoa perplexing puzzle!Compare two 1541 disksfor similarities/differences.Recover DELETED files on a1541 or a RAM 1541.Perform HEX, DEC, and BINconversions. Also performlogical operations.Send an application's screento your printer.A sector editor for GEOS.Compress Doodle!, Koala, andAdvanced OCP screens.>>?Q???? @@@|@@@ANAAAA%BqBBBoC?8?r??oC?&@b@@@@4AoAAAB@BBBoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoCoC\BoCoCoC@ x (CC^D@ \\\\KKAutoBootCreatorB82GeoPaintCalendarPrinterDir AidFast Ami!FFTBFontConverterGeoFetchGeoLibrarianGeoPaintViewerGeoReplicatorGeoSIDGeoC02Geo File InfoGeoPixelPuzzlerInspectorDiskettePhoenixProgrmmrsCalcScreen DumpShapeThatBabySector Editor1eGr6m 8ee(e`        Lx)Dꩌ()DD )(e`/ K8?7Dž4563珍E E)EJJJJE  $E1p D "  D  000E D G ZF^ LfFGD  )eHh`F`  E { ? " 'FLZGF E H @eee  N@?@@e@eة  ~ee @ `@E {    0 0  DJO ZN IJ QMX`N>^f N}N  L* ,N0GNN951 N B B CCECFCJ V`,N0 _HN8 1-800-831-2694 <==GeoPower Tools costs only $9.95Questions? Send EMail to TTL Wizard. KɅLV `  -./R$ D M0)0MLZ,,,,,,,N ,N0H _HhN _H`,0+1 !  ª ,N0 _HN`.e5HHHH .hhhh8Ji8!JiLBMMN `0 @0LGE { ?L, S1!/ !1 q8X/M V 1!`