Paint Rotate[ (PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0n#U''U"'U%%U%%U%%U%%U%%ePaint RotateV1.2Spike Dethman Rotate, Mirror, and Invert ENTIRE geoPaint documents. $2.00 Shareware. /A 6 c b T 0  V¥L,©T } VL,L ! V ŠL`LF  LF Š V¸Pթȅ V¥  tŠ& , w©&&& l tŠ^   + hP! P P  P  6 w© VLFO VL  Š!L¢\- ` 6+ u( H  H Hu2 H H H9)߅9`9m  9) 9)߅9` x` % A ( T, ', Š ( z­(`O V` % p ( T, ', ŠL ( z­(н` % 7 T, ', ŠL ( zŠ-`O ʽ \| e8Pө- e8P`f*`,8햄 % 1 T, ', ŠL ( zŠ-` \P  P j- j`H8heePм` %  T, ', ŠL ( zŠ-`I ~` vwv c'8tut c vewe  teue ޅ ~ vewe teue ޅ ~ -vewe teue ޅ ~ 5vewe teue ޅ ~` '8햄vwv ctut c vewe  teue ޅ ~ vewe  teue ޅ ~ -vewe  teue ޅ ~ 5vewe   teue ޅ ~` HH H H'8 h\h h]h `j> `'8햄 HH H H h h]h h\`*~ ` .1/ Uh  U )` x {` )&Me  < V¥` x )  j V¥` © ) ~) ɠ) ` X J8b &On disk:j nᱳ?03 HH" , 0 @Warning:Due to the disk reads needed,Using a Ramdisk is suggested.H  +Insert a new disk into the drive.H ,a 0kWARNING:A disk error has occurred.H" , 0 @Warning:File already exists.Please choose another name.  $`?? , $`?g烏ǃǃ烛g? H  6   0 On disk:Enter Output Filename:H  Processing Completed.    *7/ :Z? JoOD ZPlease select mode orRotate 1/4 turn clockwise.Rotate 1/4 turn counter-clockwise.Mirror along X-axis.Mirror along Y-axis.Invert black/white.d!!gـj 9 9 !m}9U9}Lp ,,,,+L @ A  # . :D