Handy ImportZ !PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0 O@@@ 8f@f 0"#HS to GEOS 1.0@Red Storm Import from Handy Scanner format. Written by Joe Buckley. K 8 N#O# + QE # Z`"# /"0Z ?IIt- Handy Import -OCopyright (C) 1990, Storm Systems`  - Handy Import -Copyright (C) 1990, Storm SystemsS/pMPP 'P+,`?<IAFileConvert+O Ċ Պ Quit9QInformation9I,Handy Scanner hHGeoPaint colorhC JL, y V© V©LV  HH/ tGT /" CE wHPx /"&  HL! @ 8@ 8@8@8@ @ |@ 8@ @ @`IR /" &  & ª * ) * MIR ȅ /" &  & ª * ) * 4`@` HhL_qpPx /"& LH P# O `N# U`  V­LOO# O&#&#W# feJeV$ e g &#&#F#LO b Ug $   LP"g$ t©-| | w ف'#`  `BGP| ɛ W P (#P XC $ Ug$ t w© )© e­ OLx H)#*#h)#*#(#)*#?)#@ )#@*#(#`*#A)#`)#>*#(#L$ v w tt Hvwvhvw` ɛ P (#PLH)#*#h)#*#*#C)#`)#>*#(#L$ v w tt Hvwvhvw`  &&&   f  ɛ P Z PLHH  hH  h)#*#h)#*#(#)"  )#@*#(#` ` )#>*#(#L$ v tt Z v`$#8$# H O88 8 $#$#h(` HH Ug$ t­%#hhD %# >Lw! x  @ @<@ Write files to disk:  8  LHx$$$3Mz3MI I>WMacPaint scanline: EugeoPaint record: fMTzfMIIWMacPaint scanline: ugeoPaint record: 3MzI fMTzI OV$ ­ 8 $#| |/#|$#`(#%#)#>*# >C"#L{ 9<(   /"&  & +# ,# -# .# $ '+#i,# /" eHH) HV$ Hhh7 Hg$LH 9<+#,# -# .# L$ O@@@ 8f@f 0Paint Image V1.1Red StormgeoPaint V1.1 Converted from Handy Scanner format. Written by Joe Buckley.Source Scan: Target geoPaint:  C#K?@; V©C#f?@;LV @Choose foreground color.Choose background color.DS^ /"&  & ' /"  wFC# "#JJJJP"#)L@C#"#8"#JJJJL@"#H)ʊ)h)"#L@C#"#i"#"#)JJJJL@"#H))h)"# `peeNc /"&LHBlack White Red Cyan Purple Green Blue Yellow Orange Brown Light Red Dark Grey Medium Grey Light Green Light Blue Light Grey Black `GP ˅ /" &  & ª * ) * GP΅ ؅ /" &  & ª * ) * `>Dxy~C  f P~ *P _xyש8D``x|yJf|Jf|Jf||`??|izi{zezz{|劅`~`yxx~` @ zz*z*z*{ze{eex8zxy{yLX~ ȑe~ex8~xy~` }} }e}ex8}xy`}HHxHyH xy X  f }}? Xhyhxhh`Hxyxh`` eF# JJP# ;©8J#8_b<= <=V$W$V $ V­`υ VLLF# `eJeV$ e­V$ VL` APlease insert new disk. ANo files selected.! *M (  @<@ Please enter filename on Drive i8 E: ELEx$$$x$ 0$ ܅$0`Paint Image  );<MZ7`On disk:ٞٳٳ?03 D L­N#PO#͉ K# `V$g$ e g$+g$ȩg$Q# Ug$ #Q#Q#/Q#g$Q#g$g$ ` /"@$K#M#% )L#)L#Ĉ)@L` $K#L­iL#K#iL#`K#` ­$ XM#` R#J!S#J#D#T#G# 9 l{ $$ ' /"  'D# /"   lyE#D#F#8E#L7$kC /"&  & `  ` ei  LuD#x7H8H  7 87 9 EI#  $ iI#mE#D#* G# `R#eS#e HI#I#г h8h7`F# L`V#E#8E# H  *h`E#E#D#8E# H hE#LKL_D#8E#L7E#8E#LKD#8I#E#ɭE#iI#E# 70L` F#`D# D#F#V# `0yD#t i q <8$  imE#D#@U#U#F#&V# F#W#V#F#F#T#ȌF#V# LyU#`L_U#D#RI#l{I# 8  /") # *` /" *I#LI#`x5Ԡԩԩ7ԩԢԈԩ0(`yk]/ `W@@pO8p@?pO%pA $H 9dpC $H !$pG $pO ăpO $ @pA $@pA $AA $C>A $GA?ApAA A@@ P !  L! P L/ /"   .P`Copyright 1990 by This program is shareware. Please send $5 if you find this program to be of use to you. 'Thank you, for your support!' Written by:  Joseph P. Buckley GEOS Section Leader, CBMPRG 71570,2600 (CompuServe) or  Red Storm (Quantum Link)'~.  ,X@ * *_q@  a^ aS P-@ P !P ( @T ` +{  VԀ ]* +* /WTJ J_@ UTU%Q`8 *( ϙ T %? pA0Q$I>GI0$I~k=Ϙό0I$|X9pI Jy0$'I$? $I%HD I$D IRQ" $X ( I3DH I$?p$q 1p` |>O>