Graphic StormX  !PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0h̨!"p@LfH:V^֮{w>#GraphicStormV1.0Red Storm Import several standard graphic formats into geoPaint/photo album. K ?II o- Graphic Storm - OCopyright (C) 1988, Storm Systems ht Q``oFileConvertAlbum+O +<M^QuitInformationdesk accessory 0desk accessory 1desk accessory 2desk accessory 3desk accessory 4desk accessory 5desk accessory 6desk accessory 7cz   ?  Standard bitmapStandard DOODLE!RLEPrint Shop - side APrint Shop - side BPrintMasterNewsroomAkCreate albumL, W V©d V©q V­, V© V© V© V`  ;©8iH h 88i` S? I ©  eiŅ i @$5HЅ †5hІ $@ ?"  P  V­L ͉ ` Q p  2 V­`  Š v V`L ߅ ` R n / ,@ R n /  @ ,@Enter photo album name onDrive @File already exists.   .@@Please place disk withinto DRIVE A.into DRIVE B. ąԅ`    LV 2  H R @General disk error.Error: $ E JJJJi0:0i E )i0:0i ELE   @There is insufficient space onthis disk for this operation. 0L J ` Յ ŠL $/ 3  L -  <  V ` `    @ Please have at least 15K freeon target disk.  V` J `Յ ŠL $$ L %, qLV© **8*$* 4ؠ,ȩȩcȩe8*HHJ hh`Յ tŠ  Lw­ 0 VLw ¸P hh* Š  Lw J `Յ ŠL $$ L %, qLV©**0*$*6ؠȩȩ0ȩe8*HHL ?  Z @ This photo album is nowat maximum capacity.   @ This is the wrong graphic forthis conversion. J `Յ ŠL $$ L &X qLV© **8*$*4 Ҡ,ȩȩcȩe8*HHL J `Յ ŠL $$ L 8$$$8$$$$$BBB P$$H)hJJJHBhH IHh-пhB)IHmBBhWB `ɀ$ȩe8PΠȩeBJJJB `ɀ$ȩe8PΠȩe8BHHJ hh`Յ tŠ  Lw­ 0 VLw ¸P hhB Š  Lw©鍛  t© Μ04 $ ))( ~$@ ~(e)X( ~@ee&@ ~  ©* Pmmm Lm $ ))( ~$@ ~  ©* w`h̨!"p@LfH:V^֮{w>Paint Image V1.1Red StormgeoPaint V1.1 @  This function is unavailable at this time.h̨!"p@LfH:V^֮{w>photo album V1.0Red Storm$* )  S P P N ש8*`` Jf Jf Jf `?? i i  e  劅`` ` @   * * * e ee8  LE ȑee8 `    e e8  ` HH HH   E  S  ? Ehh hh` u``$* P)@ /P ZP`)ePG)? ee`)? ee` ¢  0 JK Յ V­` VLL5 VL`Յ e L=+HȩHI  V - Š!hH0 Š hHPh`Q  %p 5@7@Choose disk for target file:?00 ?11?1111? ?IL© IL  );MOn disk: @Please insert new disk. ?@File not found.u000`A:  B:  ٞٳٳ?03 I ©L­HI ͉ `IH ͉ `photo album B F  F [FF ` `|yvÌf̓f̓f̓mf̓gfy L  F = L4 P - A L6F587#3}4`/  .P` Graphic Storm is an application which will allow you to convert into GEOS-compatible forms several of the currently standard graphic format image files. Standard high resolution bitmaps and DOODLE! format files will be converted into fully compressed geoPaint files. Print Shop, PrintMaster, and Newsroom files will be inserted into an existing photo album. At this time, I would like to thank Peter & Paul Hughes, Ted Roche, and Ellen Rule for their help and suggestions. As an experiment, I am asking a $3 'shareware' donation for this program. Please include the name of the system where you got the program. (If I get a good response from Quantum Link users, I will consider a return to that system.)Copyright 1988 by Send comments and suggestions to:  Joe Buckley  464 Beale St.  W. Quincy, Ma. 02169'~.  ,X@ * *_q@  a^ aS P-@ P !P ( @T ` +{  VԀ ]* +* /WTJ J_@ UTU%Q`8 *( ϙ T %? pA0Q$I>GI0$I~k=Ϙό0I$|X9pI Jy0$'I$? $I%HD I$D IRQ" $X ( I3DH I$?p$q 1p` |>O>