Album ReverterX  PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0h̨!"p@LfH:V^֮{w>Album RevertV1.0J. Buckley Downgrade V2.1 photo albums to work with the V1.X managers. K ?II n- Album Reverter - OCopyright (C) 1988, Storm Systems h  Q`?FileConvert+O   - > O ` q Quit9QInformation9IPGet photo albumhGL,  V­!3 V©@ V©K V` = nZnnZ~f- Working - tŠ PYʊ Š PH Š P< w© )Š P%1Z0\   nZn`0 P ``)a{8 40 87 `GIQS ¢  0΅ < V­hh` VL=L= VL=`  );MOn disk:X @Please insert new disk.X *@File not found.ٞٳٳ?03 <=I ©Lphoto album V2.1X FF+ ` `|yvÌf̓f̓f̓mf̓gfy LX  Fq P  X  L6F587#3}4`/ .P` Album Reverter is an application which will allow you to deconvert photo albums from V2.1 format down to V1.0 format for use with the older photo managers. At this time, I would like to thank Peter & Paul Hughes for their help and suggestions.Copyright 1988 by Send comments and suggestions to:  Joe Buckley  464 Beale St.  W. Quincy, Ma. 02169'~.  ,X@ * *_q@  a^ aS P-@ P !P ( @T ` +{  VԀ ]* +* /WTJ J_@ UTU%Q`8 *( ϙ T %? pA0Q$I>GI0$I~k=Ϙό0I$|X9pI Jy0$'I$? $I%HD I$D IRQ" $X ( I3DH I$?p$q 1p` |>O>