Basic and GamesW 4PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0  9dDnA:A!aphoto album V1.0 G=EL=L=EA photo album containing modified disk labels for Basic and "other" disks. =` y< ?/` zŠ !]?~   0>? ? 6f`````1y<=<ǟ< 0ff`٘͘0qff8 aff ͘9<~~0p|0p0p#0p'<` 0p / |p`s. y~, ??<~(  | | | | | | 3 | `>Ç `6{ݍ   `c31f `c31f `c31f 3631  Ï  _?@# DI$I=c z!0 I$I$A1g<?y@37Ì6fI$I$0s0cc`@0c< 030c`   333ٌcf6f'@s< )?^V!|?Î< ~|0p À|p0 ~`|p ~`p ?< ? Pqpq>8s<8;x@;86mmA>8A`8p0 x`ߌ? 3` 0>>xoݰ03{3~g=f 73?0|cf 30300cf 30cx~7π lٝ` l g l`   `  ?1 3 1>x~x3=oݰq3~f 1c30|3f 1330x3f 1330 ǃ>{x~|y  |&ooooVo!???|<x=88sx;8wx;<w<<;vx;p;xp;8pÀ{;88p<?;<{x;{;???V