geoBreakV  SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0I%I% ~;geoBreak V1.0Wayne Dempsey This a GEOS version of the popular game, Breakout.      \ ` | 2 P(X0P( 2PP(/geoBreakpHigh:Score:FEd ` Z` (  \@ @Sэ 8 N```  \@t / S(P 9 8 8 9 @; Z8`H@WXZp g  / (P `LL,  5'   x`ۿ?h4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @߿ߟ?߀?h4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @߿ߟ?߀?h4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @߿ߟ?߀?h4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @߿ߟ?߀?h4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @ߠh4 @߿ߟ?d||  `0 u `L L6 L pVp$p p-L3 errsqiqL errsqiqL erressqiqL erressqiqL pVp$p p-L3 errsqiqL errsqiqL erressqiqL erressqiqL pVp$p p-L3 errsqiqL errsqiqL erressqiqL erressqiqL s r q `LVsrPcsrOWsrNKsr\srPsrDq2[q1Uq0Oq/Iq.Cq-=L p p L pLH pLH p p L pLH pLH p p L pLH pLH  t 4xx` yuGame Over < <` \@L uuuL g``t`t 9x ' h p P& ` h P X ` P $ B  ; : < ;s:r ԩ ԩԩԎԩԩԩA _` \ > _`ԍԍԍԍԍԍ`{{L3 5q=Py5C