GEOMATHYPRG formatted GEOS file V1.0@@geoMath V1.0Richard A. Rardin Math tutor for the GEOS environment by Richard & Lynn Rardin./A 6L Zx QPPPPPP `?|  | | | | O }H_f f ,f ;f :SJs Vs bs ,sngeosselect skillselect difficultyfilegeoMath infoadditionsubtractionmultiplicationdivisionT`llevel 1 *level 2 level 3 quitreset scoreNumber correctTotal problems?@<~@?L,© 9@ 0  $ 'DP P $ ' Tt  F P $ '6e 6e  P  < $ '  $ ' `PMPJ MP/,MP;M H`C H H EPPf PPׅ  E`  V`     !& -] 9 E Q ] i5 geoMath math tutor by Richard Allen RardinThis program is shareware. All rights are reserved bythe author. License is granted for FREE distribution.If you use this program and enjoy it your $5 or $10check would be appreciated. Send to above name at: 4403 St. Martins Circle Flint, MI 48507If you would like to receive future product informationplease be sure to enclose your name and address.P `P  T`lPʊ DE*`PPPPP  ` dd d   P P   P P EP g P P  P  E` P0P8  PP8   i   i`0Z P P + P P = P P Pe PePPP  Pe Pe P F` P P P P P P P P P P P P0Z P P - P P = P P8 P PPPP  P P  8 лPж F` P P! P P   P PP P P P  P P  0Z P P x P P = P P P P fPPP  P P f P F` P P P P P P P P`P  P P P` P" P P  P P  L P P P P f PP PP P P P P P P0Z P P & x &0 x !0 P P P  P F` P P   P PP P P   P PP` P  H P E  H`P P P` Pʊ  P P`PP  31 iPPP PP P P P P P P P PPРPh' P P P P P 6eP` PP 6 fe  .e  Tt * PP v{uP vuk V`nZ &{ Correct answer! Sorry, incorrect. PPPP `