&Circe&W -IPRG formatted GEOS file V1.0I~ Ep8pinGC?JCIRCE V1.0(C) F.G.KOSTELLAA strategy game. Fight against the computer for control of the planet CIRCE. ______________LQ+ L& 9 ? :!  3   g # 9 @V ? @V ? Z!'!") * Q   J  P {  'L!L0#'` t X˅  $  H` You computer  -ԅ  $  H + 'ԅ  $  H  L CT >|})z { (|  %  H& ' % ) *  `turn Jf * > R f z   K Lȍ d L d L d Ld d Ld Ld L%0L 0%)0d 9 ? ' Z I COMPUTER / YOU - DESCRIPTION Z175 / 250 - BEGINNER ZE100 / 200 - EASY ZY100 / 150 - INTERMEDIATE Zm100 / 130 - REGULAR GAME Z100 / 100 - CHALLENGE Z150 / 100 - HARD Z250 / 100 - SUICIDE <+ CHOOSE THE NUMBER OF ARMIES +  <+ CHOOSE THE LEVEL OF PLAY + `Hh0h8( 8 h 0 x (hXp`Hx(X0@ @h`<+ =+  tu g !  |!LD# -     H=  H p E pq    H?  H      H=  H r r* t u g   ! 0  HL  t u g   ! 9  H?  H  " &  H=  H v V   # vw ?  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'> ? 6& &'` 9 & / (= /`3wC Rules for CIRCE : The winner of the game shall be the player ( You -or- the Computer ) who holds all thirty-one countries.Turns alternate with blue ( You ) always moving first, and yellow second. During your turn you may examine as many countries, and their neighbors, as you like.A player's turn ends after doing one of the following three: 1) ATTACK a neighboring enemy; 2) TRANSFER armies to a friendly neighbor, or; 3) PASS, do nothing.At the end of yellow's turn, ONE army is added to each country. Yellow's advantage is that it can never leave you an unoccupied country.Hints & Info : The computer will ALWAYS attack an unoccupied country, so leave a few armies if the computer is bordering the country you're moving from."GAME": selecting NEW randomly selects countries for you, keep clicking it if you dont like the distribution. The number of starting armies is chosen with LEVEL.The TOTAL BOX below the clock displays the total amount of Armies & Countries, respectively. The TURN BOX below that displays the turn number and player.Choosing ATTACK or TRANSFER drops the mouse back on to the originating country. Choosing "Numeric Input" allows you to enter a specific number of armies."""{!|!}!~!!! (+  {!r r${!v V vw " f`` ! f` YOU DONT HOLD THAT COUNTRY. YOU DONT HAVE ANY ARMIES IN THAT COUNTRY. OK. SELECT COUNTRY TO MOVE TO. OK. SELECT COUNTRY TO ATTACK. !9{!v V v}!w~!!L" ! k"L"F" f`!! ` !{!v V v}!w~!}z!{}| (!L" !н{!v V v~&w&'!L&|&}!}&~!'L"|!728-9(:#; # f!!{!L!L`$L# THATS NOT ON YOUR BORDER YOU CANT MOVE ARMIES THERE, YOU DONT HOLD THAT COUNTRY. # f!{!L|!r r٭|!v}!x~!y {!v}!x~!y !"`|!L M& f!!{!L|!r r֭{!v}!x~!y |!v V v!w!|!v!x!y ,&(&)&?& H,&*&+&1& H-&(&)&}!~! ԅ% H-&*&+&!! ԅ% H}!~!Ly%!!L% 0z!{}| (L$}z!{}| (L$|!v!x!y %.&/&0& HL&THE ATTACKERS LOST.THE DEFENDERS LOST. |!rsrIr|!v}!x~!y %.&/&0& HL&!!"`LPDEFENDERSATTACKERS YOU CANT ATTACK YOUR OWN ARMIES.d  I( &v&w&x&y&z&v&s&t&u& `&&'`&&` & 'L`v&L(v&0 :L9' ( H|&}&L&|&}&8v&0?(|@(}| c|z&{ (8w&0A(|B(}| c|z&{ (8x&0C(|D(}| c|z&{ (8y&0E(|F(}| c|z&{ (8z&0G(|H(}| c|z&{ (&}&L&L '~&|&L& BAD INPUTy&z&x&y&w&x&v&w&0v&L''d w( H~&& ( H ` ENTER THE NUMBER OF ARMIES [1-] ze|z|ȱze}z}`8z|z|ȱz}z}`                         ""*:BJJZZjrzJj2j:*:j2z*jZrbJz*Z2B"Bjb) +<*:;`<+ <:;` , Z 9 ? ' ,@ `SHAREWARE FROM 2 (( H]A GAME OF STRATEGY ON THE PLANET - -d@ 9 dYe ds /d@ -d@ d dm' ! ' K0! O, n4 f, Z` 4 u, Z` pp`4r,L=,4,L?$r,=~??????>>>>x>x<??6?x????x??????Ϗ; fa=3<|g<6ۍ>fۙ``cl϶0~7 `g0f6` ``x <{0f`??p0?>? ??? ? ? ? 3? 3?a??؇0??? ?;?p?-x|>~~~gggg?googoca~`~`>`?`w`  o6o7cl 7o 7l 6vl c3ω   4 3 5444#5 f`  5 5 5444Ņ7 f 4`<4=4>4?44<4=4>4?`4<4=4>4?`; 9 ? '`CIRCE v1.0 was written, and copyrighted (c) 1987, by Francis G. Kostella. This software not to be sold or distributed for profit without the written consent of the author. This software is OK to distribute by any non-profit individual, group or BBS, as long as the software is not altered in ANY way. This software not to be distributed by "enhanced service providers" or national computer services without the consent of the author, please see the address below, or send Email to FGK on Q-Link. This software is not in the public domain, but I wish to distribute it to as many individuals as possible, if you think it's worth the time then please pass it on locally.If you like and use this software, then I ask that you send 5 dollars US/Canadian (or whatever you feel it is worth; money, other software, art deco designs, software you'd like distributed in the Pittsburgh area, etc.) to me at this address: F. G. Kostella / POB 7414 / Pittsburgh, PA / USA / 15213. Please direct any coherent comments or criticisms to that address also. Responces to my little appeal here, will motivate me to enhance this software, and also to move into other directions. If this software is not for you, then please pass it on (someone else may find it worthwhile), and if you feel that it's lacking, somehow, then get in touch, and tell me why. I'd like to know. In any case, enjoy! -FGK Oct '87  |  @? 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