LandMark.Dem^ PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0@HT\v@@8@|@@@T@@8@|@@t@T@$@DemoLandm V2.0@James D. Robbins /?ɀPLx5> Ѝ. Щ0X   { !} 6݅ Q( Z,`@ !!""!! !!""!!E EB tJ "" geosfileorderRD/RL?quit 0(c  0( 0( 0( 0( `(k  `( `( `( `() \ B 0(c 0( 0( 0( 0( `(k `( `( `( `() \B ۀ```cկկըըը?ۀ? / ?(((((?( (/р( (/р( ( (?(ۀ   & pL 8     @   >8ۀu}*f@#0@#@b8@$I"RH@I"Rq 7^`@$I"R P@I"" 6HYH@'kp8ۀۀ??0<߃߃߃߃)߿ߠ߼=߿߾=߾ߺ߼8߾=ߺ߿߿߿3߿߷߾uͺ=8;88 L( x5 Щ0X L, $?0P 2 ;P  ΅LV $?0P 2 ;P  LV $?0P 2 ;P  ȅLV $?0P 2 ;P ˅LV $?0P 2 ;P  ;LV $?0P 2 ;P LV $?0P 2 ;P LV $?0P 2 ;P LV $?0P 2 ;P ̅LV $?0P 2 ;P LV $?0P 2 ;P LV $?0P 2 ;P ̅LV€    1 *@ 4O >^ Hv R LandMark Series II Demo.(c) 1994 James D. RobbinsOrder thru: PARSEC Inc.,P.O. BOX 111Salem MA., 01970-0111617-595-4418 (voice)617-595-8737 (fax)    * 4+ GeoTet for the 64.Tetris game for GEOSThis version works on the 64and the 128 in 40 col. modein FULL COLOR  T n " , 4thDrive40 & 4thDrive80Auto-Files for your boot disk4thDrive auto-installs your 4thdisk drive on boot-up    / *P 4q > HLace II+ for the 128 only' requires 64K VDC installed View all your geoPaint, IPaintand Basic8 paintings just likeMother nature intended you to!Who needs an Overexpensive PC?VIEW in FULL COLOR !     & *> 4T >tCheckerBoard for the 64 or 128in 40 column mode.Checker game for GEOSYou make the rules!Never lose those Checkers or use a faded torn board again!      * 45 >E HdGeoSolitaire for the 64'Solitaire card game for GEOSThis version works on the 64and the 128 in 40 col. modein FULL COLORGeoSolitaire is based on theKlondike version of Solitaire      * 4& >G Hf RDualTop for the 64'A System Controller for GEOS!A Powerful-Flexible-FASTDeksTop alternative that allowsyou full use of 4 Disk Drives!Displays the directories of two (2) Disks at one timeKeyBoard-ShortCuts for Convience      *+ 4M >n H R128_DUALTOP for the 128'A System Controller for GEOS!A Powerful-Flexible-FAST-DeksTop alternative that allowsyou full use of 4 Disk Drives!Displays the directories of two (2) Disks at one timeKeyBoard-ShortCuts for Convience     . *M 4r > HWill DualTop work with myRamLink or RamDrive & GEOS?Yes, as long as you configureyour partitions for 1541 or 1571 or1581 emulation partitions.DualTop will also work withGateway if configured this way.     5 *Y 4w >VDCSolitaire for the 128 w/64K VDCSolitaire card game for GEOSVDCSolitaire requires 64K VDC forthe 128 only, in FULL COLORBased on the Klondike versionof the Solitaire card game      *2 4P >h H4Kernal128 & 4Kernal64'An Auto-Execute file to patchthe GEOS Kernal so it canfind the DualTop desktop onany of your 4 Drives.No more need for an extra copyof DualTop on your work disks!      */ 4N >r HVDCTet for the 128 w/64K VDCVDCTet requires 64K VDC forthe 128 only, in FULL COLORA Tetris game for your GEOS!You'll find many different levelsof play in many configurationsSee how far you can go!$?0P 2P !L p Ќp p  p Hp pp p p p p 8p `p` p ̌p p p Dp lp p p p p 4p \p p p Ԏp p a a Fa na a a $a La ta a ! *! R! z! ! a 0a Xa a a a 6a ^a a a Q Q 6Q ^Q Q Q Q  ©`0P ` / ©0P  / ©0P  X ©0P  / ©0P   / ©` ` _ ©`  _ ©`  X ©`  _ ©`   _ `  9  ^ 6݅ Q Z, `% W` e"Pe#Pl"P`1234567890Qq" " c k  ) " "