CLUSTER WARSX~PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0?878CLUSTER WARSV1.1F.G.Kostella .SEGMENT .Byt 0Number',27,0 Number',27,0 your disposal. ',0t'uman 'd 't'Bw54 &8 M 58/ /M M M tB NLuU 9 ?` : CLUSTER WARSqu5prs-tv 9 S? : :@ CyberPunk Software : &8qrtuvpTs 9 : from EMERALD GREEN Auteur: Francis G. Kostella fPOB 7414, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15213 cEmail to: Qlink: FGK / CIS: 72220,3117 VAnother bloody control-the-universe strategy game. S?`9 V`7CLUSTER WARSvwrx x : ?wL:tu w : 3ww 3wxxs𾐼tituiuvwrx x : ?wLj:tu w : 3ww 3wxxs𾐼tituiuiiqL9pL9`/ )/`/ @)/`=~??????>>>>x>x<??6 The selections on the OPTIONS MENU will help streamline the game ( I hope ! ) The PAUSE option is bold when you choose to pause between "rounds" in a battle. The COLOR option allows you to change the map colors. The INPUT option submenu lets you choose either KEYboard or MOUSE (icons) to enter numbers during the game. If youre launching thousands of ships, use the KEYS setting. The BOUNCE option is handy if youre using a joystick, as the STICK setting will "bounce" the pointer to active areas of the screen. A special "feature" of this setting allows you to move the stick toward the left, after entering numbers, to quickly move to the lower left corner when BUILDing or LAUNCHing, otherwise you end up in the lower right corner. Use the CUSTOM GAME selection to create your own games, the bottom 6 settings set the upper limits for the randomizing routines. Well, thats all, have fun & GOOD LUCK!  --FGK Aug 88 Here are the ship values:  ATK DEF COST SPEED Missile 8 1 18 9 Scout 1 1 31 20 Fighter 10 6 32 12 Cruiser 15 13 39 9 Destroyer 40 35 84 7 DeathStar 300 200 556 2 Shield 1 600 576 0 B~ A tBb~  A tBB~  A tB~ A tB*~ A tB~? A tB~ A tB~ A tB:~ A tB~; A tB B C`` B+~C A tBφ~F A tB~J A tB B C` : B~ A~i~iLAHAUAABhH BBBABAh EAAB`!sB 9BB B B Bi8B $BBmBBBBA U EPAABAB`5:;< 9`sB 9 ?BBBABABBB`! >B5B6B7B8B3B4BBB`?ǮB5B6B7B8B3B4BB` T h e S C E N A R I O Hundreds of thousands of years ago two spacefaring galactic civilizations began colonizing a small (from the galactic viewpoint) star cluster, distant from the galactic center. One of the races roughly resembled the human form on the planet you presently occupy, the only difference being their lifespans of thousands of years and their lack of two sexes. The other race, a form of conscious mineral whose origins are unknown, were called MECHS by the humans, because of the planet wide mechanized cities they built. The MECHS found organic life distasteful, and were in the habit of eliminating it wherever they found it. Upon meeting, the two races found each other so loathsomee that an immediate repugnance formed. The level of mutual intolerance rose, and quickly led to war, and eventually to a cluster-wide conflagration that left both races all but destroyed. "Awakening" after a long dark-age, the humans on one planet began to develop a technological civilization. Upon reaching a certain level, they discovered a cache of ancient technology, long ago buried by their ancestors. There quickly arose a set of social institutions devoted to studying and utilizing the artifacts. A technocracy gradually evolved, devoted to making humans a spacefaring race once again. The centerpiece of the old space technology, was a single device called the ANSIBLE This device allowed instantaneous communication, at any distance, by the home world with any one of a number of recievers, thus allowing the efficient administration of an empire of any size. Although the recievers were easily manufactured, unfortunately the skills used in the making of a second ANSIBLE were too subtle. Thus the ANSIBLE was jealously guarded, for if it were destroyed, the Technocracy would surely dissolve. One of the first exploratory space expeditions, to the center of the local star cluster, encountered a fleet of strange spacecraft. The human ships were quickly destroyed, but analysis of the path of the foreign fleet showed that they originated from a star that the ancient archives identified as one of the centers of MECH civilization. The Technocracy has determined that the MECHS are a threat to the fledgling empire, and that they must be eliminated. As chief bureaucrat of the Space Exlporation Bureau, you have been named Ultimate Dictator and Master of the {nonexistent} homeworld military spacefleet. You are charged with destroying the MECH threat, and allying any human planets to the Technocracy, but most of all you MUST protect the Home planet. The resources of the empire are at your disposal. xH5 Э'Ѝ)hX` `9 t­M ¥`O_ȅ w`dN V ?O bALNMM _ @LN/ / O`$N4NDN (N 0*N 0:N 0JNWould you like to:Read the ScenarioRead the InstructionsStart the game^NN^NN^NO^N OOLOOLOOLOOLņO V­O!_P_______LOO%Z_(____2_ __LOO'<_A___ _Z___LO2________ P`N,ND_L~SY'PAUSEBOUNCECOLORINPUT_ _D _D `*F 6STICKMOUSE _` _`8T 6FOREBACK_i_ N= a1 `_)~i)e~_ N=I;)eI; a1 `Fb 68G?ZKEYSICONS?8 _`?8 _`  9 L`   `ARE YOU SURE ?x _`WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXAMINE ALLOF YOUR SPACEBORNE FLEETS ?…   _) "δ_0_44O 44`_Y V`THE FLEET?!4 (!$!$a???@β_L_L_L "___0 "_ `_8 2__{@|} z 2 FLEET:_` = >  = > => ?`OF THE PLANETS ?…  C __44 44`_ V`THE PLANET TO LOCATE x7<! (  $$a??? @ β_L _L _L ____ ! `_ 2 2PLANET #_ E E E`__ G _ 9D_DD_ 9E_ 9F_FF_EE__ G _ G  L _ G   ٠DșD + < 9 \9 : a1`D D`D `D @D`D `D D`D `D D`DJJJ`D) D`DJJ`D`DJ`rre 9r` + . w  `_DyEEyFF`__ `  END TURN __ E E E`_i__i_ `_΋__  L `^`_PL _OL$ `_^__0Lh _ B +   + LP _ __  Ls _Ls   V­_ q _ [__ 0%_ %L % .___` x7( @_0L -A MECH FLEET ARRIVES _ B   `_ BTHERE IS A BATTLE!` -FLEET #_ -HAS ARRIVED AT _ B  CEMPIRE PLANETL _ ! TSPY SATELLITE RELEASED!_ 6    FMECH PLANET!_L _   FA HUMAN PLANET!_L FUNINHABITED PLANET TNOW AN EMPIRE PLANET _ <  E`THE HUMANS GLADLYJOIN THE TECHNOCRACYTHE HUMANS VOW TO FIGHTFIGHT TO THE DEATH!_ $  .  _ < `D ]  _` 7AT PLANET #_ _ 2` 9 A`_ B 6 L "_δ_ YOUR PLANETS:    YOUR FLEETS: ' _  2MECH PLANETS: ;   E  B  B` E E E` 9 ? YOU DID IT !!! ALL MECH PLANETS HAVE BEEN TAKEN !!! YOU RULE FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. 9)2 THE ENTIRE EMPIRE SINGS YOUR PRAISES !!!L77 THE PEOPLE SAY: WELL, HE WAS A GOOD GENERALL7> THE PEOPLE DESPISE YOU FOR THE DESPOT THAT YOU ARE !L7 PRIESTS OF THE TECHNOCRACY CONGRADULATE YOU, THEN ASSASSINATE YOU AND PUT A PUPPET IN POWER ! Z < L; 9 ? YOU BLEW IT !!! THE ANSIBLE IS DESTROYED !!! 9)1 THE ENTIRE EMPIRE NAVY IS DESTROYED!!!L3> THE MECHS FLAY YOU ALIVE, YOU DIE AN AGONIZING DEATHL3 THE HOMEWORLD IS DESTROYED ! ALL IS LOST ! 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V` V` x7  (,@LAUNCH THE ENTIRE FLEETBASED AT THIS PLANET ?SELECT SHIPS TO LAUNCH IN THIS FLEET? B@!!( T  \ d l t | = > = > => ? Յx y:x y.x!y"x!y7x!y Rx!y_LMISSILES TO ADD TO FLEETSCOUTS TO ADD TO FLEETFIGHTERS TO ADD TO FLEETCRUISERS TO ADD TO FLEETDESTROYERS TO ADD TO FLEETDEATHSTARS TO ADD TO FLEETSHIELDS TO ADD TO FLEET_~{(|} z 0]8{H|} z 2 FLEET:` 'T,@   (, #XMISSILES TO BUILD (COST 18)SCOUTS TO BUILD (COST 31)FIGHTERS TO BUILD (COST 32)CRUISERS TO BUILD (COST 39)DESTROYERS TO BUILD (COST 84)DEATHSTARS TO BUILD (COST 556)SHIELDS TO BUILD (COST 576)_]_`0 __AASSTTQQRRUUVVWWXXYYZZ[[\\MMNNOOPP]]^^ `j # # `THE ANSIBLE CAN ONLYOPERATE 127 FLEETS !![\!L#YZ!L#WX!L#UV!L#ST!L#QR!L#2_`xL)$Hy{_͵__x_zxz ixhMexONeyP`8OM_PN_H__ {$hHxA__ {$hx_`xL$)xyx ]_z_{z ix)x_x`H8_M__N_A %hH]0A) 8CxL$CexL$_ %h]0_) 8CxL%CexL%`)x_zxz ` b`G}SGH}THE}QEF}RFG}UGH}VHI}WIJ}XJI}YIJ}ZJK}[KL}\L `0 "L%` "L%`_]_0`_EvFw %_`v b`_ȍ%H 1&%%hH 6 __]^%L+& 0h`H_CzC{C|C} +$F+x!yHx"y<3x"y0Ox"y$kx"yx"y x"y_L V2 PLANET:_A~{@|} z 0 l* MAXIMUM:!r!s (` +!r!s ( +!r!s ( +!r!s ( +!r!s ( +!r!s ( +!r!s (  +~ 2` COST:`!! !! !! !! !! !! !! `44 `=1)>=)=I)>U)=>a)?m)b=y)[+ Z`?+U 3@!@ +A@ +A` +B!  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