geoDirPrintX SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0()iaUA)geoDirPrint V1.1John F. HowardUpdates V1.0 - supports two drives and draft / high quality printouts.  9 ?/ 9 F F l- geoDirPrint V1.1 - iAuthor: John F. Howard@/v g  L8) LLk V¥L,¥  L Lt… V Lt V¥ uLu / 9 x x Cancel...8 N@/uL> - y % 4 4 ; 4 4 (.LL | ruLLL HrL6ο ]J L L uL;Z HLuξ ]$ LOLOuL;Z HrL8 x uLP HrL8 * *       L86 H`/pq iuLiJ  Xr( H 4 LhLu 4 PR y 4 V¥LtL,©/ 9 ?@/` L© L© L©(hLR hhLbh~` `r,)@)?ɠ LLg LKpqrLg r pqi ` Mu` GEOS Disk Directory Printer Printed on:  Q H Q H `R H_h H  b­   S H~ System Disk` File Name ZFile Type Perm Name Date & Time KB WP (Parent Application`` x`L` ` Ly 0ɠ RLl R`e Š)v L vL # VL,©  y@ y` % = % _ % `PR y`P x``P@ ~`a@P@ ~`bP@ ~`cQ@@ ~`eQ@@ ~`f@Q@@ ~`9) `` x ȍ L` - y /vPLI 8PL[ s /Ps /Ps   !RPL hPL  b­ s* PL ~;PL  !PL  LhPL rL6LPL?Lu PLTrL83s /Ps /Ps s s L8Ds JXP L PPP y / `sd 8ds1Ps 8 sLi0Psi0P`t y`PP  {`    0RJ4a    0RJ4a    0RJPrint the directoryof this disk? HInsert new disk into disk drive. HHPrint quality... -HCan't find printer driver.BASICASSEMBLYDATASystemDesk AccApplicationAppl DataFontPrinterInput DriverDisk DeviceSystem BootTemporaryAuto ExecSEQPRGUSRREL <AHHAnother disk?/ K Bytes freei%΀=9f1f1~1`1f1<΀0000w`?6`06`06`0v`0`0΀ ys3 `3 a c3 c3 a GEOS Disk Directory PrinterPrinted on: K Bytes free System DiskFile Name File Type Permanent Name Date & Time KB WP