FontLoader]PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0URUNd2U2dBT>LS A2Ld2 *(&TL&T8TʪFontLoader V1.5@Steven E. EyrseWill Load need fonts if on disk or lists. Above #1023 it gets weird. A Geos prob.LW 6`Q: H` IH 1 Z`IhHLhI͍HLP0P0 geoWrite IS NOT RUNNING  FONTS MAY LOOK WEIRD You should click on  file/recoverBoth wRong 1 & 2 point to here THERE ARE 7 OR LESS FONTS ON THIS DISK CAN'T DO ANYTHINGa=^B        ? X= SS9333? 6Q5 * $ t­[ C L> l6Q5   Z`   <;1 Z`  `` There are FONTS missing for this write File. So only some are loaded. Want the LIST ? There are NO matching fonts on this disk.  Want the LIST ? <;6Q5 1 Z`* kL;[ wLgeoWrite( ;Ž"LJLW80 L Ž"PK )Ž"P6q r ȑemLLJ.̅$ɠ L$ tŽ"L;C " ;L;CCeePeP t P  zLм zL s :r )JJJJJJq  r r  r q q `s q ] Pr ] Ps s q ] r ] `] 66/ f      ȱLg em  L% f f Lv L ? "f e L L B   ȱL em   L  ȱ ȱ@ DH h |  | z   e ) | L@  |   Lv L | z LM m  | ` HHLEL/Y0091         k , eLd ` /ȥ  L l Ur Z: hhL  /( ' ȱ L L /ȥ   e ­ * )  ~a. -  ~ * !) , +  +H)? ihѭ' i' ( ) i) + i+ , - i- `BSWUniversityCaliforniaRomaDwinelleCoryTolmanBubbleFontKnox Harmon Mykonas Boalt Stadium TildenEvansDurantTelegraphSuperbBowditchOrmandElmwoodHearstBrennensChanningPutnamLeConteCommodoreLW_RomaLW_CalLW_GreekLW_Barrows!LW_Havilland$LW_Zaph0ICONS2+1MEGA ICONS2Dwinelle 364Barnum5mEGAcORY<circuits.fontaChoo ChooeTubbyfEasternpMILLS NLQuHollywood~Publisher 80GoudyTake-OutBLKLETTRS LQMega UniversityPaintbrushPEIGNOTBANNERCHAMELEON1MEGA OLD ENGLISHRonsPub 1.1Odin3dshadowhBISQUEDUCKABUSH16EXOTIC+MEGA DECOeHelveticaPUYALLUP 12 24wilson.919Iconfont.926RussianName is UNKNOWN